Dolls, Lunch, Talk

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Bakugou's POV:

I was sitting on the floor with Eri, playing with dolls, and just trying to figure out the story line. She wouldn't stay consistent with it, and it was pissing me the fuck off.

First her doll was the daughter, and mine was the mom, but then halfway through she changed her mind, and mine became the daughter.

She can't just change it like that! It's confusing, and there's no logic to it!

"You can't just change it!"

"Yes I can, they're my dolls."

"Why would you want to though?!"

"Because you were making the mom to mean."

"That's just how moms are!"

"Nuh uh."

She argued.

"How would you know? You don't even have a mom!"

"I have dads."

"Exactly! Dads! Moms are different!"

"Well I want the mom to be nice."

"Oh my god! This isn't how you play with dolls."

That's when Aizawa poked his head in the door.

"Everything okay in here?"

"She keeps changing the rules!"

Aizawa leaned on the doorframe, clearly trying to hide his laugh.

"How so?"

"She told me, my doll had to be the mom, but then changed her mind, and now my dolls the daughter. This isn't how you play dolls!"

"Bakugou... she's six... this is how she plays."

"I played with dolls when I was six, and it wasn't like this at all!"

"Oh really? And did you play with dolls?"

"Me and Deku would write a script, and then we'd use his moms phone to make a video, so we could make our own movies. We never just changed in halfway through! We had to stick to the script!"

"Bakugou... I'll be honest... that sounds adorable, but that's not how most kids play."

"Why? It makes more sense."

Aizawa smiled like he knew something I didn't.

"I'm sure it does. But Eri doesn't play like that."

"That's annoying."

"How about you take a break."

Aizawa said, gesturing for me to follow him.

I groaned, getting up from my spot on the floor.

He motioned for me to sit on the couch.

I did so with a great bit of suspicion.

"Let me grab something real quick."

He said, with a smile I didn't trust.

I narrowed my eyes at him, as he made his way back down the hall.

He came back, carrying a ball of fur, and promptly dropped it on my lap.

I looked down to find an orange cat, with one eye.

"What happened to its face?"

"Who knows."

Aizawa shrugged.

"Found her like that."

"And why is she on me?"

I asked suspiciously.

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