All Might's Worry

664 37 17

TW: blood!!!

All Might's POV:

Young Midoriya had been acting... off, recently...

He had been pulling away, avoiding me, and all together, been incredibly irritable lately.

It got bad enough that his mother had noticed, and she wasn't even here. She had called me the other day, asking if something happened, because apparently Young Midoriya had seemed upset about something during their daily calls, but when asked about it, he denied being upset.

There was also something suspicious about the nosebleeds... he'd never mentioned them before, and I'd never seen them happen.

Sure, that wasn't exactly the best reason to assume someone was lying... but it still felt off. Especially since when I first brought up the bloody shirt, he seemed almost panicked.

And even before that whole incident, whenever I went into his room, it smelled... almost metallic...

Maybe I was just over thinking it...

I was worrying over nothing.

I sent him to bed.

He seemed tired... it made sense with how late it was... but he'd been more tired recently as well.

I told him, I'd deal with the sheets, and he went to bed, with little argument.

I was over thinking... definitely... nothing to worry about... except...

I should worry about the fact that Aizawa had called earlier... saying that he'd be coming over in the next few days. He wouldn't give me an exact time or date... as if he were purposely trying to keep me on my toes.

I don't know what I did, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread, settle in the pit of my stomach.

I definitely did something... Why does this keep happening?! How do I keep messing up, without even realizing what I did? How was I so bad at this?

Aizawa was definitely upset with me, but I still needed his help. I've asked this man for so much... but I can't do this alone... I don't know how. When he comes over, I'm going to have to ask for some advice.

I don't know what's up with Midoriya, but something is clearly wrong... and I don't know how to fix it.

After sitting on my chair, and drinking some tea for a bit, I heard the dryer buzz, alerting me that the sheets were done.

I got up, putting down my tea, and headed to the laundry room.

I took the sheets out, and folded them neatly.

I walked over to young Midoriya's bedroom door, opening it carefully, as to not wake him.

He was asleep. Sprawled out, with his arm hanging off the bed. It was honestly kinda cute. His face was completely relaxed, without that anger, that had made itself welcome recently.

What drew my eye though, was a few drops of dried blood on the floor next to the bed...

Along with a decently sized blood spot on the bed.

That would have been an awful large nosebleed...

The bloody t-shirt was lying on the ground, at the end of his bed. I wasn't to concerned about it until I noticed that it had more blood than the last time...


Either he had another nosebleed... or the bloods from something else...

How was I even supposed to approach this? If I asked, young Midoriya, he would just tell me it was another nosebleed, or refuse to answer me all together...

I was going to have to wait for Aizawa's visit to bring this up. If I brought up my concerns in front of him, he was more likely to actually get an answer, because he actually knew what he was doing... he knew when to be firm, and unbending... and he also knew when to be soft and understanding. Whereas I jumped back and forth, never sure what scenario is appropriate for what response.

I left the folded sheets on the other bed, and headed out.

When Aizawa got here... he'd figure this out....

For now... bed.

Author's note:

Tis incredibly short, but I suck at writing from All Might's POV.

Also I didn't read this before posting... so uh... sorry if it's shit.

Updates will probably be a lot slower, because I start school tomorrow, and that tends to take all of my mental energy... because I'm stupid 🤪

Anyway, my lack of intelligence aside, and the fact that I barely pass English even though I'm a writer, I hope to at least get this ark finished before school really picks up.

The first week is usually pretty slow, so I should be able to get some more chapters out.

But after that... sadness...

Imma throw up... I got anxiety, and I haven't interacted with pretty much any humans all summer... so this is gonna be a shock.

I was literally diagnosed with a social phobia... what am I doing in highschool?

Anyway... thoughts and feelings?

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