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Bakugou's POV:

After the disgusting display of affection, Yamada went back to making eggs, and I went back to awkwardly eating mine.

Soon the small child came running out of her room, and plopped into the chair next to me.

"Hey Kacchan!"

She said happily.

"Deku's ruined her."

I said with feigned annoyance.

"Don't say that. She didn't do anything wrong."

Yamada scolded.

She was given eggs of her own, which she quickly devoured.

"After breakfast, do you wanna play with me?"

She asked, giving me a hopeful look.

"I guess... it depends on what you wanna play."

"Shi- shoot... I mean shoot."

Yamada caught himself.

Apparently I wasn't the only one with a swearing problem.

"What's wrong?"

I asked, not really interested, but trying to seem like I actually knew how to be a normal human being.

"There's another villain attack happening nearby. I've been called in."

"Can I go with you?"

I asked hopefully.

I hadn't been in a good fight in a while, and was desperate for something interesting.

"Normally I would say yes, but I can't leave Eri alone, so I'm gonna need you to babysit... plus you're grounded... so... I'm sorry, it's a no. Maybe next time."

I groaned, but didn't argue. It was true, they couldn't just leave a six year old home alone during a villain attack.

I mean, my mom totally would... in fact she has, but Eri was different.

"So can I count on you to take care of her?"

I nodded.

"Thanks bud."

Yamada rushed to get ready. When he seemed about done, Eri piped up.

"Can Kacchan watch TV with me, even though he's grounded?"

"Uh... Shota would say no... but he's not here... and technically I'm aloud to make decisions... I'm an adult... so, yes, but just while I'm gone."

Eri made a sound of delight.

"Also some rules. Don't leave the house unless it's an emergency. If her quirk activates, do your best to calm her down, without touching her, and call Aizawa immediately. And Eri, Bakugou's in charge, so listen to him."


She agreed happily.

He hugged the girl goodbye, and ruffled my hair, before heading out.

The second the door closed, the girl spun around to face me.

"Can we make cookies?!"

She asked excitedly.

"Are we aloud?"

I asked with a look of suspicion.

"He didn't say we couldn't in the rules, and he said you were in charge."

"I guess, but if we get in trouble, I'm blaming you. I don't care if you're practicly a fetus."

"I don't know what that means, but I wanna make cookies."

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