Aizawa's House

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Author's note:

I was planning to do more on Midoriya before going to Bakugou's situation, but I have writers block in the Midoriya situation and I really want to write more Aizawa so... oh well...

Aizawa's POV:

I watched as the boy packed his things. When he was finished, he walked over to me, not saying a word. He just stood, waiting for instructions.

"Alright let's go."

We walked out to the living room. By the looks of things, Zashi had already discussed the details, which I would have to find out later.

We said goodbye, and got in the car.

Eri and Bakugou were squished together in the back seat. Eri was happily babbling about all the fun things they could do together.

Zashi was driving, and I was in the passenger seat.

"So why'd you break the cup?"

I asked.

I probably could have worded it better. At least a bit more gentle, but I felt like we had to address it eventually.

"I was upset."

He answered flatly.

"Okay. Why were you upset?"

"Why does it matter?"

I sighed.

"Bakugou... I'm trying to figure out what was going on over there, that made everything get so bad."

"I have an adutude problem... that's it."

"I don't disagree that you have an adutude problem... but I also think that there was a bit more going on. So I repeat... why were you upset?"

At that, I turned in my seat, looking at the boy I was practically interrogating at this point.

He looked away, looking almost nervous to answer my questions.

"Bakugou... why were you upset?"

I repeated for the third time.

"...I dunno..."

He mumbled.


"All Might said he wished I was more like fucking Deku!!! Is that what you wanted to hear?!"

"1, language. 2... I'm sorry he said that... he shouldn't have..."

The boy started glaring out the window.

My husband gave me a look, that I knew communicated that he was displeased by my bluntness.

We soon pulled into the driveway.

(Again... I suck at describing houses... so here ya go.)


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