Blood Test

758 37 12

Author's note:
I got this idea from a tiktok.

TW: ptsd, medical trauma!!!

Bakugou's POV:

I had officially been staying with Aizawa and Yamada for four days, when I saw Eri talk back to an adult for the first time.

That morning, Yamada kissed his husband goodbye, about to head off to his radio show.

We were all in the living room, except for eyebags, who was in his room, probably sleeping.

"After your doctor's appointment, we can eat the ice cream I bought."

He said, looking at the little girl.

He ruffled her hair, and went out the door, with a wave.

Eri looked up at Aizawa with a look of panic.


"Yeah, you have a doctors appointment today, remember?"


I was sitting on the couch watching the entire thing.

"Yeah, you're going to the doctors today."

Aizawa said patiently.

"I don't wanna gooo..."

She whined.

"Well, we have to make sure you're healthy."

"What are they gonna do there?"

I could see the pained look on my teachers face, and that's when I knew that this wasn't going to end well.

"Well... they have to do a blood test..."


"Sweetheart, I know it's scary, and it brings back some bad memories... but it needs to be done."

He spoke slow, and quiet. Just firm enough to make it clear that it was happening.

"No No No!!!"

"I'll be with you the whole time and-"


"And when we get home, you can have as much ice cream as you want."




He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I leaned forward on my spot on the couch, ready to get involved if this went south.

Realistically, I knew Aizawa wasn't going to hit her. Especially since he was so against my mom hitting me... but that didn't mean that my anxiety didn't spike when Eri practicly screamed in Aizawa's face again.

"Eri, I promise... you will be oka-"

"I hate you!"

I gripped the armrest, expecting to see Aizawa raise his hand to hit her.

He never did....

He looked sad... hurt... but not angry.

"That's okay... but I love you... which is why we're doing this. Because we have to make sure that you're healthy."

Angry tears, flowed down the little girl's face.

"I hate you..."

It was quieter, but filled with way more venom than the first time.

She turned around, stomping to her room.


She slammed the door.

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