Pack Your Bags

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All Might's POV:

The next week was an absolute war. Young Bakugou would fight me on everything without fail. Even on things he was previously okay with.

"Bakugou, you need to get those dishes done!"

I called from the kitchen.

The dishes were starting to pile up.

He walked in.

"How about you do them yourself old man."

I sighed.

I was so tired of this. Why couldn't he just cooperate?!

"Bakugou please... I'm really not asking that much."

"So? It's not my house, not my responsibility. I don't live here"

"You do for now!"

He flipped me off, and that's when I snapped.

"Why do you have such a terrible attitude?! I have done everything I can to fix whatever's going on, but you won't put in any effort at all! You fight me on everything!!!"

I mean... I haven't done everything to fix it. I've been putting in less and less effort... but he was really making it difficult to try.

"Have you ever considered that I don't want to fix it?! I want to be left alone!!! Why can't you go hang out with Deku?! He's not difficult!!!"

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"You know what... I'm done trying all together. Do the dishes or I'm calling your mom."

I walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couch.

Young Midoriya looked up from his phone.

"Sorry Kacchan's being so difficult... he doesn't mean anything by it."

"I wish he was more like you... you're going to be an excellent hero some day. Like I used to be. You have a positive outlook on life, and you actually have respect for people... I wish it would rub off on him..."

Young Midoriya gave an almost nervous laugh.

"He's just a little upset right now... and Kacchan's gonna be an amazing hero too..."

I know I probably shouldn't have scoffed, but after what I had just witnessed... I'm surprised he hasn't been expelled yet.

At that moment young Bakugou came out of the kitchen, walking to his room. He look more subdued than earlier.

"Did you do the dishes?"

I asked as he grabbed the door handle.

"Yeah I did your stupid dishes..."

I nodded, continuing talking to young Midoriya about his quirk, and what a great hero he was going to be.

Eventually I headed to the kitchen to make lunch.

Sure enough, he had washed all the dishes. Including the pans, which I told him yesterday, he didn't have to do. The kitchen was clean. The counters were wiped down. I was genuinely impressed.

But that's when I noticed something that ruined my mood almost immediately.

Sitting on the counter was my #1 Hero mug that Midoriya got me for Christmas. It was broken. And by the looks of it, it was intentional.

I immediately walked to the boy's room, not talking the time to nock.

I held up a peice of the broken mug.

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