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TW: literally in the title, mentioned blood, accidental self harm!!!

Bakugou's POV:

I was sitting in the kitchen, drinking a cup of tea that I made for myself, after Aizawa and Eri had left, when Mind fuck walked in, yawning after what was definitely a long nap.

"Where is everyone?"

He asked, looking around.

"Yamada's at his radio show. You should know that. He's literally your dad. And Aizawa's at a doctors appointment with Eri."

"Hey, I don't know his schedule. How should I know when he's at work?"

"He's your dad!"

He shrugged, grabbing a cup from the cupboard, and pouring himself some coffee.

"Oh shit... didn't she have a blood test scheduled?"

He seemed worried, so I decided not to be a dick.

"Yeah, she kinda freaked out when she found out about it. But we talked it out. She may still be a little scared, but she's not freaking out anymore."

He seemed a little surprised at this.

"Oh... well that's good. How did you get her to calm down?"

"I told her there's no logical reason to be scared."

"To a six year old?!"

He seemed shocked by my bluntness. But I've been here for a few days, so it seems like he'd be used to it by now.

"Hey, it worked, so I will not be excepting criticism. Plus I got her to apologize for screaming at Aizawa, and saying she hated him, so I think I'm amazing."

I said smugly.

"She didn't say that. I refuse to believe it."

"Well she did! Aizawa said it was ptsd."

"Weird.... she's so sweet all the time..."

I shrugged, taking a sip of my tea.

"Do you know when they'll be back?"

"Yamada will be back at three. Though Yamada's son should know that."

He rolled his eyes.

"I don't know when Aizawa and Eri will be back. They didn't leave all that long ago, so it'll probably be a little while."

"Okay... you wanna watch something?"

"No! What the hell?! Why do you keep trying to get us in trouble?!"

"Because they're not here. You know, you act all angry, but you really are a goody two shoes."

I proceeded to flip him off.

He gave me a smirk, and took a drink of his coffee.

It was about then, that we heard the door open.

"I'm hooome!"

Yamada's called.

"We're in the kitchen!"

Mind fuck called back.

Yamada's walked in, pulling out his hair tie, hair falling down around his shoulders. He winced as he ran his fingers through it. It seemed like the tight ponytail had been hurting him.

"Is Sho not back yet?"


Mind fuck answered.

"Weren't you supposed to be back at three? Its two thirty."

I asked.

"You want to be away from me that bad?"

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