We're In Trouble

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All Might's POV:

Young Midoriya and I were talking about hero work and catchphrases, when young Midoriya said he was hungry.
It was about lunch time, so I decided to make sandwiches.

"Can you go tell Bakugou that we're having sandwiches?"

I asked young Midoriya.

He nodded, headed over to their shared room.

I was getting the bread down when I heard young Midoriya call from his and young Bakugou's room.

"Kacchan's not in here!"

"Is he in the bathroom?"


He called back after a few seconds.

I was getting a little worried...

"Look around the house, I'll check outside!"

I said, heading outside quickly.

I looked around the yard... it's not like there was a lot of places for him to be hiding.

Once I triple checked that he wasn't out there, I headed back inside, seeing Midoriya sitting on the couch looking worried.

"I'll take it he wasn't in here?"

He shook his head.

My heart rate was through the roof. This kid has been kidnapped before! And now he's suddenly missing!

Maybe he just went for a walk... without telling me...

I quickly pulled out my phone, clicking on his contact. I sat next to young Midoriya, and listened to the phone ring. It rang all the way through without him answering.

I was getting more worried by the second!

I called again. It rang about half of the way before it went to voice-mail... like someone hung up.

I called two more times, both going automatically to voice-mail.

I had no clue what to do at this point. Young Midoriya had started hyperventilating, and I had to locate Bakugou, but also calm down the boy I was currently with.

I opted for calling Aizawa for advice.

I know I can't do this forever, but a child was missing, so I think he'll understand.

I hugged young Midoriya from the side as I called Aizawa.

It rang twice before he picked up.

"What do you want?"

"Young Bakugou is missing! We can't find him anywhere!"

"He's missing?! Right now?!"

"Yes! We've looked everywhere, and he's not answering his phone!"

"Shit! There's a villain attack going on right now! I'm going to go find him, you stay with Midoriya!"

"I should look for him too."

"No, someone has to stay with Midoriya to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"Alright... but make sure you find him..."

"I will."

I hung up the phone, looking over at a panicking Midoriya. He was mumbling to himself. I couldn't really tell what he was saying, but from what I did gather, it mostly consisted of worst-case scenarios.

"Everything's going to be okay..."

I whispered reassuringly.

He Immediately curled up next to me.  I held him tighter, rubbing his arm.

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