No More Bakugou

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Author's note: Google was entirely unhelpful when it came to whether or not Japan has laundry rooms in people's houses, or if it's in their kitchen. So All Might has a laundry room for story purposes... sorry if it's not accurate...

TW: Negative self talk, comparing one's self to others!!!

Season 5 spoilers!!!

Midoriya's POV:

All Might was clearly upset when he left the kitchen. He immediately stomped over to my, and Kacchan's room.

I wasn't sure what happened, but All Might was angry, so they were going to start fighting again.

It feels like it's been just constant screaming for the past week.

I've been over stimulated for the past week. I've hid in the laundry room to cry about five times now. I'm honestly surprised that All Might hasn't noticed yet.

The laundry room is nice. I leave the lights off, sit in the corner, and so long as there's no laundry going, it's very quiet. It's a good place to calm down.

All Might came back out, and immediately called Mr Aizawa. He said something about a broken cup, and I was able to put the pieces together.

When he hung up I spoke.

"So Kacchan broke the mug I got you?"

He nodded.

"That's disappointing."

All Might sat down, and I continued to scroll through my phone.

Eventually there was a nock at the door. All Might stood to answer it. It's was Mr Aizawa, Mic, and Eri.

"Midoriya, can you play with Eri?"

I nodded, directing her to my room.

We went inside, and Kacchan was laying face down on his bed. His shoulders were shaking slightly, so I was pretty sure he was crying.

Eri looked at him with concern. She walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Kacchan turned his head, looking at her.

He was definitely crying.

"What's she doing here?"

"All Might called Mr Aizawa because he's upset."

"Oh... sorry for breaking the cup you bought..."

"It's fine..."

It wasn't fine... I was upset. But Kacchan took priority right now. He didn't need me being mad at him.

I was supposed to play with Eri... I didn't have any toys, but I did have paper. So I pulled out some drawing stuff.

We all sat on Kacchan's bed. I was surprised when Kacchan agreed to draw when Eri asked.

We were all drawing when Mr Aizawa opened the door.

"Bakugou, pack your bags. You're gonna be staying with us for a little while."


Kacchan questioned.

"All Might needs a break from you, and you need a break from All Might. So you're going to be staying with us for a while."

Kacchan got up, and started gathering his stuff.

"You need help?"

I asked, kinda surprised by what's going on.


He started stuffing clothes in his backpack.

After a few minutes, he had all his stuff packed... and then they left... It was just me and All Might... it was quiet, which was nice after a week of chaos... but it felt weird...

All Might got started on a late lunch. I helped him make it.

We talked about my quirk, and how it's progressing. All Might talked about the responsibility of it all. He said he was grateful for my positive adutude, and how he couldn't wait to see me become the hero I was destined to be.

I had really been trying to not think about it.

I didn't know what I was signing up for when I accepted this quirk. It's a lot of responsibility. All Might seems to think that I can handle it. I'm not sure I can though...

All Might was an amazing hero! The best!... I just feel like I'm going to tarnish one for all... like... put a stain on the name. Like when I go to pass it on, no one's gonna want it because I made it look bad.

Even All Might himself said I couldn't be a hero... I mean... he gave me his quirk so I could... but without it I wouldn't have a chance. And even with it I'm pathetic. All Might never broke his arms using it...

And when I first discovered black whip, I almost hurt people really bad. What if I had killed Uraraka?! All Might would probably take every thing he said about believing in me back! He'd probably want me to give my quirk to Mirio, like it was supposed to be...

Mirio would be so much better at one for all than me.

I'm never gonna live up to All Might! I don't know why I'm even trying.

It doesn't matter. I just have to do what I'm supposed to do. I should probably check up on Kacchan later. He seemed really upset. He takes priority right now.

Author's note:

I'll get back to Bakugou at Aizawa's, but I said I was going to torture everyone, and it's Midoriya's turn. I will warn you, the storyline is going to get darker as mental health gets worse for the characters.

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