The Drive

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Bakugou's POV:

The old hag managed to get her hands on some fucking cruise tickets, so now I'm having to pack my shit so me and the nerd can stay with All Might for 3 fucking months. I've been able to tolerate the little shit better recently... but sharing a room  has to violate something. This has to be child abuse.

I made my opinion on the matter clear, but of course she just told me to shut the fuck up.

Of course fucking Deku is excited to stay with All Might... and I mean... All Might's great... but living with the ex number one.... for 3 months... this is gonna suck.

My parents decided to carpool with auntie, so I was squished in the back between the hag and the nerd... so basically hell!

Deku would go on talking so fast that it was kinda freaking me out... but whenever I told him to shut up the hag would smack me and tell me if I pulled that shit with All Might, she would come back early just to beat my ass.

So basically the entire trip to All Might's house was constant talking and getting smacked.

Of course my dad was super encouraging with Deku... he always liked to encourage him since he didn't have his own dad... didn't mean he had to steal mine... he got All Might for Pete's sake... he doesn't need my dad...

My parents are going to be gone for 3 months and I don't even get to talk to dad because the stupid nerd is talking...

Midoria's POV:

We were on our way to All Might's house and I was ecstatic! Training with All Might was great... but living with him! I couldn't help but go on about All Might! He was my favorite person!

I was sitting in the back next to Kacchan, telling everyone about random facts I know about All Might.
The more I talk about All Might, the faster I would talk.

It got to the point that I wasn't sure if anyone could even understand what I was saying... but whenever I looked up, Mr Bakugou would nod at what I was saying. I couldn't see his face because he was in the front, but every comment he would make was encouraging!

I really like Mr Bakugou! He's always been really nice to me my whole life.

Though... even though Mr Bakugou seemed to like my All Might facts... Kacchan definitely didn't... which was confusing since he also likes All Might.

He would tell me to shut up, but then get smacked and cussed at by his mom.

The yelling was a little scary, but Mr Bakugou told me to ignore it, so I just continued talking.

Masaru's POV:

I was sitting in the front, Inko was driving, and my wife and the boys were in the back.

Izuku was going on and on about All Might... it was honestly adorable... I remember when Katsuki used to do that... but once he got into UA... he's been less talkative with me...

Izuku's talking kept getting faster, so it's was a little difficult to follow, but I made sure to comment on anything I actually understood so that he wouldn't feel like he shouldn't talk.

He doesn't remember his dad so I always tried to be there for him... it got more difficult as the boys got older... they stopped playing with each other and Katsuki got more aggressive... he's a lot like his mom...

Katsuki kept trying to get Izuku to stop talking... of course Mitsuki put a stop to that pretty quickly. Sometimes I wonder if she's the reason why he's so aggressive....

Mitsuki's POV:

I was sitting next to Katsuki in the back, and of course the little shit was being a brat! He kept trying to get Izuku to shut up... the little shit needs to learn to shut up himself.

I gave him a good smack every time he decided to act up, so Izuku could keep talking.

Izuku was talking about something All Might related... I honestly wasn't really listening to the conversation... but I could tell he was enjoying himself, so I didn't comment.

I remember when Katsuki was like that...God  I miss when he was cute... but I spoiled him to much as a kid so when I stopped doing that, of course he decided to resent me! Fucking brat...

How did Inko manage to raise such a sweat kid?...

Inko's POV:

My son was happily going on about All Might... he's so sweet... I'm really gonna miss him...

Katsuki kept trying to tell him to shut up... I really didn't like that, but I definitely would have handled the situation differently...

honestly Katsuki is extremely emotionally immature... so I've found that talking to him like a child works well when he's emotional...
Mitsuki... doesn't feel the same...

I love my son... and I know she loves hers too... I just wish she was a little more gentle... I know they're almost adults... but that doesn't mean you have to be so rough with them...

I'm not sure how I'm going to do being away from him... he lives in the dorms during school... and now I'm going to be gone for the summer... I might cry if I keep thinking about it...

I love my kid.

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