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TW: calorie counting kinda... not really but I still feel like it should be mentioned!!!

Shinsou's POV:

I was sitting on the couch with Eri, when the blonde dick head made his way out to the living room. That was probably a bit harsh, but he freaked Eri the fuck out with his little episode.

"Bakugou! Are you feeling any better?! Has your hearing gotten better?!"

Hizashi questioned.

Hearing? What happened to his hearing?

"I dunno. You're yelling."

"Oh, sorry. I'll talk quieter. Can you still hear me?"

"Yeah. It's still crappy, but so long as a lot of people aren't talking at once, it should be fine."

"That's good."

Hizashi smiled at him.

Bakugou honestly pissed me off. Eri was shaking earlier. All because he couldn't just tell us we were being to loud. I don't know why the adults are so calm about it.

It was then that Aizawa walked into the living room, from the kitchen.

"Ah, Bakugou. We can order now."

And that's another thing! They insisted that we wait for him before we ordered food!

They might as well adopt him at this point, because they already treat him like one of their kids.


He shrugged, like he hadn't thrown a huge tantrum earlier.

He sat in the spot that had become his, and gave one word answers to anything said by Hizashi.

He even claimed a spot on the couch! Nobody else gets to do that!

"Toshi buddy... are you okay? You look upset."

Hizashi asked, apparently no longer having a conversation with their new favorite child.

"I'm fine."

I said in a tone, indicating the complete opposite.

He gave me a concerned look, while Shota looked up from the takeout menu's he grabbed from the kitchen, eyebrow raised in my direction.

Even Bakugou gave me a look of concern, which pissed me off even more.

Why is he acting like he cares?! He's a spoiled brat, who throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way! Why is he pretending to care about anyone but himself?!

I glared daggers at him, and his look of concern quickly shifted to a matching glare.


Shota's tone was a warning.

"Did something happen?"

He looked between the two of us.

Eri immediately looked sad, because for some reason, she actually likes him, and doesn't like us fighting. He even stole my sister.


I said, with way too much attitude for the warning tone I had already earned.

He definitely didn't look like he believed me, but he chose to ignore it, tossing a menu at me.

I looked over at the blonde bitch, to see him grimacing at his own menu.

"What? Takeout not good enough for you?"


Hizashi scolded.

Bakugou looked up from the menu with a glare.

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