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I opened my eyes seeing my mom that was about to approach me.

"I was about to wake you up, you still have to go to school"

"But my class is later in the afternoon , you know that" I told my mom confused knowing that I'm always been busy to go to my online
classes after lunch.

"Young lady what are you talking about? your school starts at 7am , i have already ironed your uniform so get out of bed"

I just nodded annoyed not having it with her prank. She went out.

"What the hell?" I said as i looked at my room ... being my old room , the colour of the wall, the decorations , and a. lot of stuff.

I looked at myself in the mirror. It's still the same but- suddenly remembered what i saw last night.

That flash!

Wait does this mean I'm



calm down, calm down , what were your meditations for if I can't calm down.

I finally calm down and went straight to thinking what should I do. Right i should check the date.

Its the 1st month of school.



I went to school and was nervous.

Everyone's not wearing any mask makes me shiting my-


what the fuck it's that plastic girl , I swear I'm gonna throw hands at her.No- No- ok calm down your back again as before so act normal.

I smiled at her and just passed by her and continued to walk to my class.

I went to my seat And stared at my space, we were seatmates i remembered.

Will I cry if i see him? No. I can handle this!

I just stood there and I heard the door opening.

It's him. Jake.

I quickly looked away to prevent myself from crying .

I sat on ny seat lying on the desk .

"Hey are you crying?" he asked softly patting ny head.

Shit. Did he saw that tear fell.

I miss this side of him being soft around me.

I get my head up then looked away to fix myself.

"No. I'm not it's just I thought of something that's why." I said akwardly as it has been a long time since I have talked to him.

"Really? Ok then I'll leave" He said going probably going to the basketball court to play with his boys.

I looked at his figure exiting the classroom.

I sighed and got my books to study because it literally has been 2 years of course i don't remember every lessons here.

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