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"Okay students this is the flags of each team with their own colour. You must defend your flag and if someone takes your flag without your notice you will be given a one wish from the team that has took your flag. And also if you caught someone on action trying to take your flag you will be put in their jail and serve that team. All right! You guys can now make sure to go protect your flags!"The teacher said.

Daeji was the one who's holding the flag with her and gripping it tightly. She knew the tricks on how to take or steal the flags since she always has attended every years camping.

The teachers handed out to the leaders a list of activities that we they will do"You guys may now talk and discuss to your own teams on making a strategy"

Daejii signalled the team to go into a place under a tree so it won't be that hot.

"Okay guys, this flag will be handled to one of us by the time being and each of us will take turns. Anyone who wants to watch over the flag first?"Daeji asked.

A boy named Yedam raised his hand as volunteer.

"Okay then Yedam the flag will be in your care."Daeji handed the flag to Yedam.

"Okay the first game is-"


"Yah!No! Don't move your leg, put it back down!"Yuna shouted as she was instructing one of her teammates that was about to step on the line.

People laughed at Yuna's loudness.

The team green and white was currently competing.

And in the end the white team won.

"My head is spinning right now"Daejii said as she took of the blindfold as she was also playing the game.

"You did great!"Jungwon said and gave me a side hug.

"Thanks"Daejii said.

"Okay students ,White team won the first round!"The teacher announced as the white team Cheered to eachother and the others were congratulating them.

The students get a 20 minutes break until the next game.

"You guys did well!" Daeji said as she cheered on her teammates.

"This next one needs to be good at footwork, it needs five players"She said as the next game was a game that you need to copy the pictures and memorize it.

"Jungwon you'll go and anyone else?"The others raised their hands and will join laters game.

"And now go take a break"Daeji announced and let her teammates go and do their thing for the next 15 minutes break.

"Hah... that game took less than two hours?"Daeji said as she realised that it was already 3:30 pm

"Atleast we won that!"Jungwon said.

"GUYSSSS!"Dongpyo called at them with his exhausted face.

"What?"Daeji said as dongpyo was sitting next to her and hugging her.

"I'm so exhausted"Dongpyo whined.

"You barely played and I am more exhausted than you because-""Yuna said as she was busy with eating her chips.

"So louuuddd"Dongpyo whined again cutting Yuna off.

Daejii only patted dongpyos back while he was still clinging at her.


"WAAHHH!!"Daeji ran towards Jungwon as they won again.

"You did great!!!"Daeji said happily and hugged Jungwon as they almost lost, but Jungwon carried them.

"The First games has just been starting and White team are leading again"The teacher announced.

Soon the teachers announced again that the students will have a free time until 6:15 pm.

"It's still 4:26 I'll change my clothes first"Daeji said as she was walking with Yuna and Jungwon beside her.

"Okay me too"Yuna said as they parted ways. Jungwon went to his tent to change and the two girls went also to their tent to change.

"Hey girls!I was waiting for you guys!" Kienna surprised the two when they entered the tent.

"You guys were amazing! Unlike our team we slacked a lot and Kia literally blamed us because we couldn't win"Kienna sighed and dropped herself to her bed.

"Well Kia is really like that anyway"Yuna responded.

The three changed clothes together and ofcourse they made sure that it was closed so no one could peek or see them inside.

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