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"Hi baby~ how did you get on my bed?"Daeji said while cupping the pups face.

She smiled and went to her bathroom while Mauemi was still staying at Daeji's bed.

"Another day huh..." She talked to herself while staring at the mirror.

She stared doing her routine being unbothered.


"Sweetie !" Her mum shouted

"Yes ?" Daeji answered and opened the door carrying mauemi on her arms.

"We have to go now for work , see you later " Her mom said and kissed Daeji's forehead.

"Ok mom, see you later love you, bye dad" I said and waved at my dad who was already at his car.

Her parents left and Daeji closed the door then putting mauemi on the floor to walk around.

She sighed and stretched a bit.

As she put her hands on her waist her stomach grumbled.

"Oh shoot , I haven't eaten yet" she said and made her way to her kitchen.

"Oh hey goodmorning-"

" Fu-"She screamed but stopped halfway to cover her mouth.

"It's early in the morning and you're already swearing loudly?" Jungwon said while eating some food at the counter.

"What- what are you even doing here ! This isn't even your house" She said and sat Infront of Jungwon.

"Well, I was bored and wanna hang around here." He answered.

She scoffed "Since when were you allowed to hang here around by your choice?"

"Since now?" He answered while smirking.

"I'm joking, maybe not . But anyway here eat some, it's already 10:30 you woke up late" He said.

"My dreams were good, I didn't want to wake up yet" She said then munched some food.

"Really? what did you dream about?" He asked.

She stared for a while and started thinking what her dream was about. She sighed "I forgot" She exclaimed.

Actually she didn't forgot her dream. Her dream was actually a memory of Daeji and Jungwon together.

Jungwon shrugged and continued to eat.

Daeji puts down her fork "You know I realized how really clingy you are to me just now"

"You just realized that now?"

"Because look- now you decided to stay over at my house eating breakfast with me now, do you really love me that much?"I asked. He choked , 'that caught me off guard' he thought.

"What, now you're choking yourself ,does it mean you hate me now?"She said with a sad tone.

"What- no-! of course I don't hate you... I-I like you"He said looking away trying to hide his red face.

"you only like me? you're saying that while looking away" She said half disappointed.

He slowly calmed himself and looked at Daeji
"Of course I love you , you know that"I said and started eating again.


*Poof*And that was Daeji exploding from Jungwons words.

"Oh, I- well it's good to hear that you love me , I mean everybody loves me haha  " She said nervously  laughing it off and was blushing.

'Dang is it really hot in here or I'm just feeling hot haha fck I don't know if I could survive this embarrassment' She said in her thoughts.

Thunders started rumbling as the silence was at the atmosphere.

"Oh? It's gonna rain?"She said and looked outside.

Gray clouds were there clearly holding heavy rains.

She sighed and went inside seeing mauemi at the window staring at outside.

"looks like you can't go outside baby" She said and carried the dog like a baby.

"I'll wash the dishes"Jungwon said and picked the plates from the table.

"Ok I'll feed maeumi first"She said and went to a corner and put some of his food.

"There you go"She said and stood up and helped clean some on the counter.


We both looked at eachother. "Well I didn't broke it" He said and started washing it again.

I laughed at his clumsiness. "Every time you wash the dishes there's always one plate that falls" I laughed again.

"Well the soap is slippery-"

She bursted out laughing at him.

He was confused but smiled at her cuteness.

She went close to him and pinched his cheeks"Ah- how cute-"

Their eyes met and both turned red tomatoes.

Daeji pov

As soon as I realized what was happy I broke eye contact first and walked away.

"Uh I-I'll go take a bath first, ok bye" I said and ran as fast as I can to her room.I slammed the door shut and sat at my bed.

"Ha-haha... you- why did I- AM I CRAZY?!" I shouted not so loudly.

She stood up and looked at her face in her mirror "holy sh- my face is fooking red, shit" I sighed and tried to clear my thoughts while trying to bath peacefully.

How the fck am I supposed to go down now. I slammed my cabinet and started wearing my clothes.

I looked at myself in the mirror again and started having flashbacks again. This is going to be a long day.

Authors note

Uh I realized I haven't posted in like 2-3 months ,I think,and I just updated if there's anyone that still reads this , yea um but here's an update. I promise I'll update more as I can since school is just almost finished😃💔

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