293 18 1

"Daeji Have you talked to Kia about that?" Sunoo said while walking beside me on the way to our classrooms.

"Well I don't really know. I mean I don't want her to think that I'm blaming her about it-"

"Daeji! Oh my god I heard you were Sick are you okay now?" It's Kia.

"oh- ye-yeah I'm okay" I said looking away from her while she's tightly gripping my hands.

"Tch drop the act Kia" Dongpyo said with yuna beside him.

"guys..." I called out to them while they started to argue.

"Yah! Daeji! Are you blaming me now huh? Is this really your thing? blaming your best friend in everything?" Kia suddenly shouted at me making everyone in the hallway look at us.

It's uncomfortable.

"No, Kia I'm not blaming you.."

"Oh really? Do you not remember what you did to me before?"

"Kia don't bring that up now. That has nothing to do with this-"

"Shut up! This is annoying!" She said then suddenly walked out.

Kia, Is she still mad?

"Hey Daeji ,we all know you didn't do anything wrong that was her fault anyway" Sunoo said while giving me a side hug.


I couldn't focus at class.

Kia , I thought we were okay after that.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, It was Jake.

"Hey let's talk later at lunch" He whispered.

I only nodded.


I was walking on my way to the student council meeting room to put some paperworks they needed.

I saw Kia passed by. I should talk to her.

"Kia, let's talk" I said while i tried to hold her hands but she quickly pulled her hand.

"What do you want?"

"Kia are you still mad about that issue?Kia that was already two years ago"

"You were accusing me that I was the one who took those answer sheet!"

"Kia we both know what you did"

-Daeji's memory-

I was walking back to my classroom to sleep for a bit while waiting for the next exam.

I suddenly stopped when saw Kia holding a paper. It's a bit suspicious as she was looking around to make sure nobody sees her.

I peeked again. She was memorising something.

Answers? I can see number 1-50 with those letters beside it.

She's cheating? No way.

"Kia" I said entering the classroom.

She quickly hide the paper to her bag.

"Kia what are you doing?" I was shocked.

"Wha-what are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be at the library?" She said looking away from me.

"Kia why? You're already smart! Why are you cheating-"

She suddenly pushed me which I fell into the ground. I looked up to her with a shocked face.

"Shut up! Don't tell anyone that you saw this or else I'll end our friendship!"She went to me and suddenly held my face tightly.

"Kia why are you doing this?" I cried while still being in her grip.

She only shouted at my face then let go of me.

She only looked at me with those scary eyes and left the room.


The test is starting. Kia....

What's with her? She looked like she was happy and confident .

I tried to finish my exam.
"Okay class times up pass your papers"

Everyone started passing their papers to the teacher.

"Okay class how about I check it now?" The teacher said which made the class react.

"Wait, I can't find the answer sheet" The teacher said still trying to find it in her bag.

I looked over at Kia. She looked a bit tensed and nervous.

"I must've left them at the faculty room. Then I'll be going, now class dismissed." The teacher shrugged and left the room.

Everyone started leaving the room. But I dragged Kia into an empty classroom.

"What the hell-"

"Kia don't you have any conscience on yourself? What if someone reports this to the-"

"No one will report if they keep their mouths shut. I'm telling you Dachii don't you ever try to report me or else we'll be friendship over" She pushed me again and ran away.

I- I don't know what to do. Kia is my only friend.

The door suddenly opened.


He suddenly approached me helping me up.

"Are you okay?" He softly asked.

"Yeah, I'm o-okay" I said and thanked him.

"Did you have a fight with Kia?"

I widened my eyes.

"N-no we're good" I said and looked away.

"Is that so?" He said and stood up going to leave the room but he looked back.

"Are you just staying there?"

"Ah, I'll be out later" I said and he only nodded and smiled at me.

-end of memory-

"Get away from me!" She said and ran away again.

I only stood there and looked at her running away.

A tear fell from my eyes.

Kia don't be like this again please.

(Why does this look like it's a long chapter lmao 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

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