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"Order in the court !" The judge shouted.

Kia suddenly stopped yelling and sat back down at her seat.

"I'll sentence Kang Lia for house arrest for 3 years and Song Kia for four years, house arrest will be 3 years and 1 year for serving in prison." The judge announced.

Everyone on Daeji's side were happy and cheering for putting the two in sentence.

"No-! This can't be! Father please please do something!"Kia begged while being held by the police.

"Mommy I'm sorry. Daddy please help me-!"Lia begged to her parents crying loudly more than Kia.

Their parents couldn't do anything. Kia's father was very disappointed as well as Lia's parents.

Daeji looked at the two who was being dragged away crying and begging for help.

Daeji didn't felt any guilt. She knew it was for the best and she got tired in all what kia and lia did to her. She didn't know it would go this far.

"Daeji darling everything will be fine now." Daeji's mom said hugging her daughter while stroking her head.

"Should we celebrate tonight? my treat at my parent's restaurant" Heeseung said.
Everyone agreed and cheered walking away from the courthouse.

"You can go sweetie, we'll take care of everything"Her dad said and kissed her forehead.

"Go have fun sweetheart, I already gave you lots of money in your pocket it should be enough for you"Her grandpa said with a smile and patted his granddaughters head.

Daeji bowed and thanked her family and went in Heeseungs car with Jungwon.

Daeji looked back at the courthouse where kia and lia was being put in a car on the way to their houses.

She sighed heavily.

Jungwon looked at her and noticed looking back . He turned her head gently away from looking back. He held her hands.

"It's over now. don't look back again to them"He smiled warmly and put Daeji's head on his shoulder.

Daeji smiled and closed her eyes.


"Wahhh , the food was so nice" Jungwon said while patting his stomach.

Daeji laughed at him and secretly took a photo at him.

"Oh look, there's a park nearby"Jungwon said while pointing at the park.

Daeji looked at the park where Jungwon was pointing at after posting jungwons photo on her ig story.

"Ok let's go there"Daeji said and took jungwons hand to run there fast so they can sit on some benches there.

"Wai- wait-! my stomach-"

"oop- sorry"She said and grinned.

They started walking slowly to their way there,both were aware that they were holding hands.

They finally found an empty bench to sit on.

They both stared at the sky. A beautiful sunset.

Daeji turned her head as she heard whimpers of a dog. She turned at the bushes and going through it.

She gasped"Oh my- what is this little guy hiding in these bushes" Daeji said and took the puppy with her.

"Daeji? Who's dog is that?"Jungwon asked and started petting the puppy.

"I don't know, it looks like she was hiding in those bushes and was whimpering. Maybe she was abandoned"She said.

"hm, she's also a but dirty , should we take it to some near fog shelter?"Jungwon suggested.

"But the nearest Dog shelter here is a 40 minute drive, should we take her home first?"

"Right, but you mean taking her at my house or yours?"

"Oh, mom doesn't like dogs. can you keep him for me please"She pleaded with a pout.

Jungwon sighed "Fine, I'll take him at my house till we go at the dog shelter tomorrow, okay?"

"Yes! Thanks won!"She smiled happily and played with the puppy.


(Inside the car , on their way home)

"Won" She called him softly while the puppy was resting on Daeji's chest.

"Yes?" He answered.

"I've been thinking for an hour now...... should I just keep him?"She said.

"You get so attached easily-"

"pleaseeee, help me ask mom if I could keep him"

"Are you sure you want to keep him?"He asked her while raising one of his eyebrows.

Daeji nodded gently to not wake the sleeping pup.

Jungwon sighed in defeat "Fine ,I'll help you"
'How can I say no to you'He added in his thoughts.

Daeji smiled and thanked him.

The car stopped Infront of Daeji's house and the two went out and thanked the taxi driver.

"You go talk to mom first"She said.

"What- Why me-"

"A bit late Darling"Daeji's mom said as she opened the door.

The two got startled and greeted Her mom.

Jungwon nudged Daeji's arm saying to 'go start and ask your mom'. Daeji slowly showed the pup to her mom.

"Mom please let me adopt this dog, You know I really wanted to adopt one but you didn't let me but I think I'm old enough to take care of it I promise I'll be responsible please let me keep it."Daeji said fastly. Jungwon was clearly holding his laugh and when Daeji glared at her 'go talk now'.

"Right, Daeji wanted to ask if you can let her keep it and she'll do her best to not make the pup disturb you"Jungwon said.

Daeji's mom raised one of her eyebrows. "Can you really take care of it?"

Daeji nodded

"Are you sure"

She nodded again

"Fine , I'll think about it" Her mom said and left the two standing at the door.

"Thanks mom !"Daeji said happily.

"Looks like you'll be keeping it"Jungwon said.

"yep! I'm so excited!" She said while walking on their way to the backyard.

"okay baby you can go run around"Daeji said and let the pup run loose around the yard.

"You haven't named it yet" He said

Daeji turned her head to Jungwon "Oh yeah right ,I still haven't thought about that" She said and sat beside Jungwon.

"Let's name it then"

"Okay, what do you have in mind?"Daeji asked.

Jungwon started calling out pet names to the pup who was busy playing around the yard.

"Maeumi-!"Jungwon said and the pup turned his head and went to Jungwon.

We both gasped and smiled.

"Maeumi it is!"Daeji exclaimed excitedly and carried the pup into her arms.


"Look at that hun , it's like they're a couple"Daeji's mom said watching from the window that can see the view of the backyard.

"She's all grown up. Cheers"

"Cheers" The both clinked on the wine.

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