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"You know I think I know who's the girl Kia is talking with. That girl from another school that your talking about earlier"Ni-ki suddenly bring back the topic earlier.

I slightly widened my eyes. He knows her??

"You know her?" Heeseung asked while looking at ni-ki.

"hm, I've seen her around Jake a lot. They seem to be happy to each other. You should ask Jake about her" He added.

Jake.... Ni-ki said she's close with him. I mean ni-ki never lies. Sometimes you'd just cry if he real talks you.

I felt Heeseung and jungwons stare.I have the urge of throwing up right now but they're all here, I'm gonna cry now Ugh bed please swallow me now.

I hid myself under the blanket and just stayed silent.

"I'm sleepy" I said.

I heard Jungwons sigh and just patted my head  "Okay sleep well"

Later it'll be really noisy here when they come back.


"Jungwon you can go home now" Mom said as she just came from home it's currently 6:30 pm.

Won looked at me. Aish he didn't want to go home. But he sighed knowing that he still needs to go home because his family will get worried to him.

"Hey it's okay hm? you've been staying here all day, you need some rest too" I said and hold his hand.

"Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow. You need some rest more than I am" He said and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Okay bye see you!" I said as he left the room waving me goodbye.

"Jungwon is such a kind boy. Please tell me you like him" My mom suddenly said. I looked at mom with a 'wtf' look.

"What? I like him for you. And it seems like he likes you tho?"

"And how can you say he likes me?" I said raising one of my brows.

"Oh girl, I can tell" My mom chuckled.

Knock knock

"Auntie you're here!" Ni-ki said entering with Taki.

Taki ran towards mom and gave her a hug while Ni-ki just bowed at her.

"Well you boys must really love your cousin that you guys are staying to help me take care of Daejii" Mom said while taking out the dinner that she made.



They both answered.

"Yah! ni-ki!" I shouted and threw a peel of fruit that I was peeling a while ago.

He glared at me.

"You kid-"

"Aye stop now. Let's eat okay. Taki and Ni-ki you both can get yourselves some food there at the table." Mom stopped us and went beside me to feed me.

"Thank you auntie!" They both said.


I woke up randomly in the middle of the night.

I looked around me mom was at the couch sleeping and Taki was on the other couch sleeping also.

Where tf is ni-ki at?

Oh there he is.

He's sitting on the couch at the window still on his phone obviously playing games.

"Ni-ki are you seriously still awake right now? what time is it?" I faced my body at his direction with a sleepy face.

He looked up at me then goes back at playing on his phone.

"2:30" He said blankly.

This kid-

"You have school tomorrow. Go sleep"


Aish. I can't argue I'm sleepy , he's lucky I can't get up right now.

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