35- S2

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"It's cold these days, we should wear some warm clothes for Jake's birthday party tomorrow"Kienna said while rummaging on my closet.

I nodded and just let Kienna decide on what I should wear for tomorrow.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. It was Jake calling-

"Hey Daeji ! are you coming for tomorrow?" Jake brightly said.

"Yeah ! uh I'm with Kienna right now, I'm kinda busy so-"

"Oh- is that so.. I guess I'm bothering you. I'll see you guys tomorrow then"

"Ye-yeah see you tomorrow bye-"

I immediately ended the call. I didn't want the conversation to be long.

"Tsk Why'd you hang up so fast-"

"I didn't want to have a long conversation with him" I answered.

"Tsk here's your clothes, I think this will be good enough for you"She said and put the clothes beside me.

"Thanks"I said.

Argh I hope tomorrow will be peaceful or what.


Third persons pov

"Yow bro happy birthday"Sunghoon greeted Jake while dabbing up with him.

"Glad you came guys"Jake said while grining at the boys.

"Where's Jay?and Jungwon?"Jake asked as the two boys were still not yet there.

"At their girlfriends"Ni-ki answered while playing with his phone.

Jake suddenly realized Jungwon must be with Daeji right now.He only nodded.

"Oop- they're here !"Sunoo said that everyone was looking at the two 'couples' who had arrived.

"Happy birthday Jake"Jungwon said while akwardly trying to dab up with Jake.

The akward tension soon filled the air.

"Aigoo yah- Here jake some gift me and Jay bought for you"Kienna cutted off the akward tension .

Jake took the gift and thanked the two.

Jake brought them to the lounge area and entertained his guests.

suddenly his phone buzzed. It was Lia saying that she's on her way. He smiled a bit and replied to Lia.

Soon after Lia and Kia arrived they had dinner and watched a movie in the theater room.

"Ah I'll be back I'll go use the bathroom First"Daeji whispered to Kienna who was beside her. Kienna nodded.

She went on her way to use the near bathroom.

And after she used the bathroom she heard whispers and mumbling near her.

She got confused but got curious.

She didn't mean to eavesdrop but-

"Lia! Listen to me! you won't get caught or whatever if you will say anything and just act natural !"Kia whispered yell to Lia while grasping both of her arms.

'Caught? get caught to what?'Daeji asked and think througly to herself.

"But- Jake- I mean what if he thinks I'm faking it-"

A loud thud was heard and Daeji gasped and started sprinting away.

"Kia! It's Daeji-!"Lia yelled.

Kia got furious and the two started to chase her.

Daeji ran as fast as she could and got herself at the backyard of the house. She ras outside and suddenly tripped into a hose that was lying on the ground.

She stood up quickly but was unfortunate as the two girls got her already.

"You sneaky little-! how much did you hear?ugh! stop resisting!"Kia said while holding Daeji tightly with those furious and evil eyes of her.

"What are you faking?What bullshit are you doing?!"Daeji said while trying to get away from Kia's grasp.

"Tell me what more did you hear"Kia asked again.

Daeji didn't answer and just stared at her.

Kia got more mad and started dragging Daeji at the pool and pushed her.

Daeji was drowning. She tried to scream for help but couldn't because of the water.

Soon the wavy pool due to Daeji jumping and pushing herself up became calm.

Jungwon jumped at the pool to save Daeji.

He took her up at the pool and started panicking. She was unconscious.

"Daeji-!"He said and without thinking he suddenly did a mouth to mouth at Daeji.

He wasn't thinking carefully. He was out of his mind in the current situation.

Jake suddenly got mad and took Jungwon away from her.

"Dude! what do you think you're doing?!"Jake yelled at the boy.

"Her breathing was getting worse , so I unconsciously did that!-" Jungwon shouted back but got cutted off by Daeji coughing loudly and gasped for air.

Kienna hugged Daeji tightly and looked like a worried mom .

"You're not dead!"Kienna said and cried while hugging her again.

Sunoo along side with Sunghoon brought a warm blanket/towel and immediately brought Daeji inside.

Daeji qas freezing cold from the pool as it was winter season.

The two had intense heavy tension and immediately went inside to check on Daeji.

"Daeji-!Thank God you're awake!"Jungwon said and hugged Daeji tightly while giving small kisses at her head.

"Those damn brats did this"Heeseung said while clenching his hands.

"Wait where are they?"Ni-ki said while looking around.

"They escaped"Jay said while his arms are crossed.

"Should we call the police-"

"N-no- you d-don't h-have to do t-that"Daeji cutted sunoo off and told him to calm down.

Daeji was shivering and suddenly fainted.

Everyone started panicking and there everyone rushed to the hospital.

Jungwon held Daeji in his arms the whole ride and hugged her so she would atleast feel warm.

Hey y'all happy new year!! I haven't updated for a month and I came back with a 1.06k views 😭😭tysmmmm... And please don't forget to follow and vote !!

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