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Daeji's pov

I decided to be quiet the whole week and now guess what? The teacher decided to make me, Jungwon and Jake be in a group for a project in art class.

Wow. How unfortunate.

"Daeji when do you want to start? Do you want to do it in my house?"Jungwon said sitting in front of me.

"Hey I'm also your group mate" Jake said and faced the two of us.

"Can you please stop , you guys are being so loud"I said and just put my head down not wanting to pay attention to them.

They'll just bicker and bicker the whole time.

The both of them went silent and only the students noises inside the classroom were just heard.

My phone suddenly buzzed meaning there was a notification.

I checked it and it was Heeseung.

hey! don't forget that I'll be
taking you out later at the

Okay okay . See you later

Okay! I'll see you later!

mkay bye

Well damn I almost forgot he was going to take me with the new opening park.

I'm too lazy to do anything but maybe I should atleast do some bit of an activity.

After all Heeseung was the one I did only talk to for a while now.

The slightest bit of inconvenience or any little bit of anything can irritate me it's like I'm this )-( close in bombing the whole world.
(Just imagine it with your fingers guys 😭😭😭)


"Hey!" Heeseung greeted me as soon as I got out of the House.

Hee's outfit

Hee's outfit

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Damn. He looks good.

I suddenly cringed at myself when I remembered I used to have a crush on him but I stopped liking him because Kia likes him too.

I mean Heeseung is a good guy but I don't think I can like him more than an older brother.

"You look pretty" He said admiring you.

Your outfit

"Oh thank you

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"Oh thank you. You look good too" I said and looked away, I felt myself blush.


"Let's go " He said and opened the front seat door.

I mouthed thanks .he entered the car and started driving to the park.


"Hey atleast you look better now. You're smiling so big" Heeseung said while staring at me while we're sitting in a bench and eating ice cream.

"Well you made me feel better" I answered still with a smile.

He only smiled and ruffled my hair then we continued to eat our ice cream.

"Wanna go to the Ferris wheel?" He asked me.


We went on our way to there while he was holding my hand.

*Inside the Ferris wheel*

I was admiring the view from up here but when I looked at Heeseung "What are you looking at?" I said confused as he was staring at me.

He was silent for a while then suddenly talked
"Daeji you know...

I liked you for a while now. But I realized that you were just like a younger sister to me.

I wanted to make a move to you but I know I don't have any chance on you. But I hope we still can be friends" He said while playing with his fingers not looking at me.

He liked me? What?

I suddenly laughed loudly as I didn't know what's so funny either. He was only looking at me confused.

"Why are you laughing?"


No seriously- I- i actually liked you too before but okay we still could be friends" I said while my the urge if laughing is now dying down.

When our eyes met we both laughed together like crazy but ofcourse my laugh was more loud than him.

We soon went home and during inside the car we only laughed and talked about random things and had a nice sound trip.

"Well time to say goodbye! Thanks for today Heeseung oppa!" I said and laughed at him once again.

He only chuckled at me then we both bid our goodbyes.

(Guys while I was writing this chapter it was announced that Heeseung was diagnosed with epidermoid cyst

(Guys while I was writing this chapter it was announced that Heeseung was diagnosed with epidermoid cyst

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I was a little bit tearing up while writing but I know that Heeseung will be okay!

please pray for Heeseungs recovery and let's let him take time to heal. Let's all wait for him to be okay!!)

(And please vote, comment , and follow me!)

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