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Heeseung pov

"Jungwon" I called him. He looked at me with a 'what' look.

"It's about Daeji."

"What about her?"

"I've been seeing her down lately. And just yesterday I saw crying at the garden, Is she okay? Is she going through something?"

He sighed before taking. "Well she's the type of person that would just keep her problems herself, I've been concerned about her too, It's just she won't talk"

"Is there any way we can let her open up?"I said.

He was thinking for a while." Well when she's a middle of a mental breakdown she'd just shout what her feelings are"He shrugged."And also she's scary when she's angry sometimes, it's like she'd murder someone" He added

Jungwons memory

"Auntie!Hi! I'm here to visit Daeji" I said as Daeji's mom let me enter their house.

"Aigoo Jungwon-ah, she's having a mental breakdown on her room,go check on her please"Auntie said worriedly , I nodded and ran upstairs to her room.

I heard crying and some punching sounds.

"SHE BATRAYED ME!!"daeji shouted while tightly grasping her pillow, she didn't noticed as she was facing her back to the door.

I gulped and went in her room sneakily and when the door closed it made a noise which caused her to stop crying and fixed herself.

"What are you doing here jungwon-ah?" She faced me while sniffling.

I cleared my throat"Ehem, Uh right I told you we'd hang out right?But I don't think we can right now with that state" I walked towards her and help her get up from the floor.

"Nah, I'm okay let's go hang out-"

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and got went to the bathroom to fix herself.

I waited patiently as soon as she got out"Is there anything to make you feel better?"

"Hmm, well Ice cream can make me feel better"She said as her eyes were sparkling.

"Okay my treat! promise me you'll feel better?" I said cheerfully trying to cheer her up.

"Okay! I promise!" She said with a big smile.

-End of wons memory-

( I edited this part so it will be less boring lmao💀💀💀)

"Oh... is that so? Then I can't help her

I'm not that close to her"

I could feel Jungwon staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you interested in her?" He asked.

"She won't like you." He added.

"Tsk, you think I don't notice it?You like Daejii too?"

"Yes I admit I like her, but what do you mean by 'too?"

"I like her too. I think she's my type"I answered back. I should get some moves to her sooner so she'll notice me.

He stood up with his tray not even glancing at me.

I won't go easy neither you jungwon and jake.

Daeji pov

"Yuna..." I said and put my hand on her shoulder and then resting my head.

She sighed. "Daeji cmon just tell me what's wrong?"

I stared at her and she stared back at me.

"Cmon your stare won't tell me what's wrong"

"Fine, It's jake" I said surrendering. She looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "And what about him?".

"I.. I saw him with someone he


"What? Aren't you the one who he likes I mean you both like each other"

"That's.. we may not be so sure about"I answered, I'm anxious about it. She's not supposed to be here already she's supposed to show up in the next 2years .

Maybe It's because I've gone back in time. Why is this happening. Is the universe trying to tell me something.

"Daeji!"She shook my body causing me to look at her.

"Your anxious again.. your biting your nails"

I looked at my hands"Ah, I'm sorry".

"Hey, everything will be fine okay? you know Jake likes you and no one else got that?" Ahe looked at me in the eyes telling me to always remember that.

I only nodded in response to her. I don't know what to do.

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