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Daejii pov

While I  was on my way a boy suddenly stood in front of me.

"Noona! You are really pretty! Can you please accept my love?"The boy shouted nervously and looking down while holding a flowers that were probably just picked by around the area.

I was shocked by sudden confession. Isn't he a kid?

I slowly reached my hand to take the glower "Ah, Um, What's your name.?"

The boy looked up at me with his eyes sparkling
"I'm Kwon Ye Jun! But my nickname is Ayden!"

"And which class are you from?" I asked again.

"I'm from 7th grade class - C!"


Uh how do I reject him....

"Yah!Daeji!"Another boy shouted.

Me and the boy at looked who it was.

"Jake?"I whispered.

Jake approached them.

"Daeji cmon they said they need some help from you with something"He said.
I was confused but suddenly thought that he was trying to help her.

"Ah.. Ah! right! I'm sorry I need to go now!"I said and unconsciously gave back the flowers to the little boy while getting dragged away by Jake.

Me and Jake was a bit far enough for the boy to see and they just started walking.

"Uh thanks Jake"I said akwardly and was not making eye contact with Jake.

"I saw you were uncomfortable so I thought I would help you out with that"

I only nodded and said thanks again and left him.

"Gah- why was that so akward"I said and ran all the way to the tent to change my clothes again and freshen myself for laters dinner and also because I'm sweaty again.

"Where are those two girls anyway"I whispered as I walked out of the tent

I was about to go but"Nah I'll just take a nap"

And there I went inside again to take her naps.


"BUGS!"Kienna shrieked beside me while waving her hands in her face to get away the bugs.

"I'm going to die I swear!"She added.

"Here I have this lotion with me'Jay said while giving it to Kienna politely and that made everyone in the table look at him.

"What? I'm just letting her borrow it"Jay said trying to defend himself.

We all exchanged glances at eachother and started laughing loudly.

"Oh Jay hyung don't forget the DARE!" Ni-ki said and tapped his shoulder then walked pass by to his table with his friends.

Jay only rolled his eyes and continued grilling the meats.

"Ayeee our jay-ah slowly getting yourself together huh?"Sunghoon said teasing him.

"Can you guys stop. I'll grill you here first Sunghoon and all of you will be grilled here too"Jay said.

"Tsk really? even Ki-"Sunoo snickered but got cut off by Jay feeding some meat that he grilled a while ago(not so hot okay I won't burn Sunoo's mouth).

"You seem to be really hungry eat this okay? it's not that hot"Jay said with a fake smile.

I looked at Kienna's face.

Woah. Is she blushing or what?

I just smiled at her.

This should be the start that she should date someone of her age. I mean like every time she dates an older guy it doesn't work out it's either her parents scolds her or she just gets cheated on.

"I'm excited to laters bonfire!" Dongpyo said while chewing some meat.

"Ooh me too!"Yuna said.

I nodded along with them. I noticed my meat was all gone .

"Here eat this"Jungwon said while the meat in his chopsticks was waiting for me.

I stared at him for a. second and slowly went to eat the meat.

"Aye these lovebirds have been flirting since a while ago"Sunghoon suddenly said.

I almost choked but managed to not choke.

I only glanced at Sunghoon while my brows were furrowed.

"Tch you guys look better together than someone who's just going out to see someone while saying he likes 'you'" Heeseung suddenly blurted out and emphasized the word 'you'.

We all looked at him.

"What do you mean?"I said confused.

He looked up at me "Ah, it's nothing! don't worry about it!"He said while smiling at me.

"Do you guys know that a horse produces 10 gallons of saliva a day"Ni-ki said and passed by our table again.

It made everyone confused and laugh at the same time.

"Yah! Ni-ki why are you randomly saying that"Sunoo said and laughed.

"He's just weird" I said and everyone laughed.

"Horses are cute though"Kienna whispered but I heard it.

I turned my head and laughed at her "What?Why are you saying that?"I said still laughing at her.

"They're cute though"She pouted and I just made a cringed face at her.

(I mean I really wanna ride a horse I find them fascinating)

"Students! The bonfires will be ready! You guys have 30 more minutes!"The teacher announced that made everyone cheered and excited.

(Lmao I wasn't supposed to post a chapter right now as I should be sleeping right now, it's 9:41 pm btw. But I got bored and can't sleep , also I'll try tomorrow I'll update again)

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