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"Me and the girls are shopping if you want to join us then you guys can come"Kienna said while her arms are linked with the two girls.

"I'll join!"All of the boys answered.

"Oop okay then, let's go!"


"Hmm, should I get this? It looks good but no?"Kienna said while holding up the shirt that she's talking about.

"Nah don't take it"Daeji said and started looking on some clothes again.

While Daeji went in another aisle she saw Jungwon walking towards her.

"Oh, are you done shopping?"Daeji asked.

"Ah yeah, This is what I bought"Jungwon said and showed the paper bag with him.

"Ah is that so? You can wait on the chair right there"Daeji said and pointed at the chair.

"Ah no, I wanna accompany you first"Jungwon answered.

"A-ah okay sure"Daeji said and took some clothes that she'll buy.

~A few minutes later~

"Woah what's with the pile of clothes here?"Jay said looking at Jungwon holding all of Daeji's clothes that she'll buy.

"That's a lot "Kienna gasped.

"Aw cmon, It's been a while since I've spent my money. I also blame Kienna for dragging me here."Daeji said while taking out her cash money to pay at the counter.

"Damn this is my fault now?"Kienna said while holding her chest dramatically.

Daeji just rolled her eyes and helped Jungwon to put the clothes at the counter.

"These are just for winter clothes anyway"Daeji exclaimed.

"Right! Jay-ah let's spend our time always together so maybe we could catch the first snow!"Kienna said happily while clinging into Jay.

Jay smiled warmly at her and pinched her cheeks "Okay, let's see eachother every day, okay?"

Kienna happily nodded and hugged Jay tight.

"Aish couples are annoying"Daeji said and rolled her eyes.

Jungwon chuckled at her and Daeji noticed "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing let's go now, We still have to find the others"Jungwon said and carried most of The paper bags.

Jungwon walked out first "Damn this guy, such a gentle man" Daeji whispered to herself and Went behind Jungwon.


"We guys can go separate from here then we'll see eachother later at dinner"Kienna announced.

Everyone nodded.

Everyone went on their ways and Jungwon decided to go with Daeji.

"So where are we going?"Jungwon asked while he was following Daeji behind.

"I'll go outside the mall I want to go by the near library"Daeji said and Jungwon nodded.


"What are you reading?"Jungwon asked as he seated in front of Daejii.

"Ah this just caught my eye a while ago so I thought it would be interesting"Daeji said while focusing on her book.

She was reading about the reality, dreams, time theory and shit.

She recently dreamed of herself laying on the hospital bed unconscious. She saw her whole family crying beside her .

Daeji believes about dreams because most of her dreams do come true sometimes. Like how she dreamt of having a Barbie doll on Christmas when she was 7 years old and it did came true.

She sighed heavily.

"What does this even mean?"She exclaimed frustrated and plopped her down the table.

Jungwon was confused "Why? What's happening?"

"Ah ,do you believe in what you dream at night? Like it comes true"

"No?"Jungwon answered confused.

"Why? what's up?"He asked.

Daeji looked up with a gloomy face then plopped her head back at the table once again.

"Nothing nevermind that"Daeji replied.

"Okay.. want some coffee? there's a coffee shop nearby"Jungwon said as he saw that Daeji was somehow she looks distressed.

"Okay sure"Daeji replied.

"You know my fave coffee, you know what to order"She said pointing at Jungwon while her head is still glued to the table.

"Yes maam I got it"Jungwon said then ruffled her hair and left.

Daeji was left alone, It's been five minutes.

" Jaeyun-ah can you reach me that book please?"A girl said.

'What? Isn't that-' Daeji looked up to see who was talking and it was Lia.

She quickly put her head back down again.

"Shit. Why are they here?"She cursed herself and tried to get away.

She ran on the other side where she won't be seen.

She successfully got out without being seen.

She sighed heavily.

She noticed that it was almost night.

It's cold, she thought.

She remembered that Jungwon went to a coffee shop.

"I should find him first"She told herself.

She ran in front the near coffee stores to look for Jungwon.


She turned around. It was Jungwon.

She felt herself blush as Jungwon was close to her.

They stared at eachother.

A cold breeze came by and snow started to fall from the sky.

The two both looked up and watched the snow fall into the ground.

"It's snowing.."Daeji whispered happily to herself.

She reached out her hand to catch some snow.

"Our first snow..

together" The two said in the same time and stared at eachother.

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