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Third persons pov : Camping day

"I call dibs on that seat!" Ni-ki pointed out and ran on the back seat beside the left window.

Bus seat arrangements

door.                             driver

"Yah Ni-ki shut up" Jay said as he was glaring at Ni-ki that was just behind him.

"Not my problem that you chose that seat" Ni-ki answered back on Jay.

Everyone here on the back was just laughing at the two.

"just be patient Jay it's only a two hour ride" Heeseung said and patted Jay's shoulder. Jay only let out a heavy sigh.

And there the whole ride was loud. It's only been an hour and Daeji wants to jump through the window now.

Jungwon noticed that Daeji was looking a bit uneasy or bored or what. Jungwon chuckled.
"You should sleep Daeji we still have an hour left"He said.

Daeji whined "Well I don't want to sleep someone will just take a picture of me while asleep. How about some games?GUYS!"Daejii called out to her friends that was on her back.

They all looked at me with a 'what' face.

"Let's do a game like (The games that enhypen played while they were on the bus it's on en-o'clock episode 11)"

"Ooh nice! Let's do that!"Sunoo said and everyone agreed.

"Who's going first?"Daeji asked.

"Let's do Ni-ki first" Heeseung said and again everyone agreed.

They played and played until it's only two minutes until they arrive at the camping place.

"Students you can continue your games later, now get or prepare your things and belongings we're almost arriving"The teacher announced.

The students cheered as they were excited.

"And we are here! Please get out one by one" The teacher said.

After that the bus was empty as the students was now outside admiring the place.

"Woah! So we're going on that hill?"Taki said.

Daeji nodded who was beside Taki.

(This camping place 'the hill' is like on enhypen and hi season 1 episode 3. And also down of the other side of the hill is like enhypen and hi season 2 episode 1)

Jay and Ni-ki had a race on top of the hill and the one who losses of one of them will be receiving a dare.

And there Jay lost while Ni-ki on the other hand was jumping happily.

"Okay- So my dare to you is.... hmmmmm..... Ah!
Confess to your crush later when we have bonfire!"Ni-ki said smiling happily as he knew Jay wasn't confident yet to confess to his crush.

"And if I don't-"

"You'll be my servant for a whole week next week at school!"Ni-ki smrked.

"What- Fine then." Jay said and walked away.

The rest of the back were just laughing at them.

"Okay students gather around!" The head teacher announced using a megaphone.

The teachers announced what the activities are and what to do and blah blah blah.

"Here are the leaders of the six groups
Heuning Kai- team yellow
Choi Daeji- team white
Song Kia- team red
Hwang Hyunjin- team green
Park Jeongseong- team blue
Na Jaemin- team pink
And now leaders here are your the list of your team and now go and collect them"

"Why did I became the leader" Daejii said quietly.

(Note: there are atleast 156 people who joined the camping so 156÷6 is 26 so that means they have 26 members in each 6 teams)

She called her members one by one. Jungwon, Yuna, and Ni-ki were the only ones who she was close with her group. But since Daejii is the leader she has to communicate with her group members.

The teachers announced that we should get along some more since the games will start later at 1pm.

Daeji gathered her group "Well it's only 10:42, how about we guys get to know eachother? I'll go first then the next one is in my left and continue" Daeji said.

They all introduced themselves and get to know eachother.

After the introduction Daeji told everyone to go settle their stuffs at their tents.

(The tents can fit atleast 8 persons and the boys and girls are separated ofcourse)

Daeji and Yuna went and  entered her tent to and saw Lia and some other girl that I don't know.

"Where is Kienna?" Daejii asked Yuna.

"Daeji?- Oh there you are!"Kienna went inside and ran towards us.

"I have been going through those rooms to find you guys!" Kienna said and settled her things on the floor.

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