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Jungwon pov

"What? Okay I'll be going there auntie I'm on my way"

Daeji? What the hell happened? Please be okay. I thought while running to get some taxi .

"Sir please take me to xxx hospital now" I said while grasping my phone praying to god she'll be okay.


"Auntie I'm here!


"She's still unconscious" Auntie said while holding her hand.

I slowly walked towards Daeji.

"What happened to her?" I asked while looking at Daeji.

"The doctor said that her gastro was back since it's the same symptoms that she has been showing

Don't worry she won't die Jungwon, she's a strong girl" She said with teary eyes while I was trying to hold my tears.

She stood up and went to pat my back. She smiled at me. "I'll be back at the house I'll get some more of her clothes, Oh and there's a soup at the table I made it earlier .since she's only aloud to have soft foods, please take care of her I'll be back later."

I nodded "You should get some sleep Auntie, you must've been tired all night, I'll take care of her"

She sighed bringing her bag along with her "Okay then, if she's awake go call the nurse"

I nodded again.

Auntie left. I went to the seat where Daeji's mom were sitting.

I hold her hands as I put my head down praying that she'll wake up already.


I shot my head up and hugged her.

"You're awake!" I said while cupping her face.

"Ah right sorry are you alright?" I said letting go of her face . And pressed the nurse calling button.

"I'm okay wonie-ah don't worry about me- wait aren't you supposed to be at school?" She said still lying on the bed.

I scratched my head " Well, I was supposed to go to school with you since I was in a good mood but then your mom called me and said that no one's home because she saw me ringing your dorbell that has connected to her phone" I explained .

"Ah is that so? I'm sorry for ruining your mood. Well you should go to school now"

"Don't kick me away. I'm here to take care of you . And your mom said she'll be back later so just lie down." I said while carresing her hand.

She only nodded . She still looks weak and more pale.

Soon the nurse came in and checked her. "What do you feel now? how are you?" The nurse asked.

"I still feel sick" She responded

"Well you should eat something now. you've been throwing up anything the whole night" The nurse said and left.

"Well the nurse said you have been throwing up everything then that means you have an empty stomach. So you'll have to eat this soup prepared by your mom!" I said grabing the soup and started blowing the soup at the spoon since it's still hot.

"Say aaahhh" I said while opening my mouth so she could do the same.

She laughed at me moving a bit to make herself comfortable- or not.

"Hey you should sit up properly cmon-"

She then get back down lying completely ti the bed.

"I'll throw up if I sit up" She said covering her mouth.

"But how can you eat then?"

"I'll just raise my head quickly then get back down" She said .

I'm confused- But okay if that's what she wants.
I then feed her and she was doing her ways.

"Don't blame me when you choke there" I scoffed.

She only rolled her eyes. Wow she has the energy to roll her eyes but can't sut up? Aish this girl.

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