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(very very late but happy birthday to my bro Jake!)

(Also for those who had noticed, yes ,I did changed the fl's name to Daeji because this was also supposed to be her name here)

Daeji pov

"Thank God the teachers let us stay up late night!"Kienna exclaimed while stretching her arms.

"It's almost midnight"Ni-ki said after he checked the time from his phone.

We are only the few ones left here since some of the other students were back on their tents.

I don't know what to think right now.

I mean it doesn't bother me now that Jake is spending most of his time with Lia.

I really don't know.....

"You're in your deep thoughts again"Jungwon speaked as I looked up to him.

I was laying my head on his lap, damn even from this angle he still looks good, look at those beautiful jawline.

He laughed while patting my head "I know I'm handsome , I'm allowing you to stare at my face all day just for you" he said and beeped my nose.

Gah- this guy . help. What is this is he flirting with me? how can i-

I just covered my face while being frozen.

He was laughing at me while trying to take off my hands at my face.

"I'll kiss you if you won't take those hands off"He jokingly demanded.


I took off my hands "Fine, kiss me then." I said (confidently) ig.

Third persons pov

Everyone looked at the Jungwon and Daeji, shocked.

Jungwon was caught off guard and got shy as he felt butterflies and blushed really hard.





Everyone exclaimed.

The two even got more shy and the two seated properly.

"Wah is this the new ship?"

"Okay guys new couple alert!"

"You guys shouldn't hide that you're a couple, okay?"

"We support you guys!"

Kienna looked at her best friend Daejii with a happy face.

'Atleast now she atleast has an idea of who really is right for her' Kienna said in her thoughts.

"Aye Best friend! don't forget me on your wedding okay?"Kienna said while giving Daejii a side hug and Daeji just rolled her eyes at her.

Daeji pov

"I'll be going back now"I said after I yawned and stretched my arms.

"Me too, we'll be going now guys. goodnight!"Yuna said. She stood up and held my hand.

"Kienna, are you coming?"I asked while Kienna was clinging onto jay rn.

"Oh, I have to go now jay-ah! goodnight babe i love you!"Kienna said while giving jay a tight hug.

Everyone was cringing to the two.

Jay kissed Kienna's forehead and said "Good night, i love you too"

Kienna blushed and smiled then went towards me and yuna.

Me and yuna looked at each other and faked gags.

Me and the two went to the to change to our night clothes and Kienna....

"HAH! I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED TONIGHT! THIS ISN'T A DREAM RIGHT?"Kienna shrieked still completely not moving on yet.

"Alright we get it, you have a boyfriend now"I said and sighed and tried to tuck Kienna in her bed.

"Girl don't worry! you soon will have a boyfriend! I mean Jungwon is right there clearly waiting for you"She said and wiggled her eyebrows teasing me.

"For real Daeji-ah, you should take a shot to Jungwon! I mean you already looked like a couple just a while ago"Yuna suddenly said and faced my direction.

I got flustered.Me and Jungwon? a couple?

"Do you guys think Jungwon really likes me?" I shyly said.

"Ofcourse!"The two said in unison.

"Well, how about you? Do you like him?"Kienna asked .


"I mean, I Jungwon has been making me feel some sort of butterflies and... makes my heart flutter..?"

"See! You do like him!"Kienna exclaimed.

"Okay fine, maybe I do like him..a little bit..?" I said while making a 'little bit' hand gesture.

I find Jungwon very cute lately and he's a bit clingy, and I like that.

"Ah! I remembered when you transferred here when we were on 3rd grade you told me that Jungwon was cute!"Kienna whispered shouted.


Gah- I remember that. omy g.

"That's evidence right there babe"Yuna said again.

"Tsk, alright let's sleep now you guys are talking too much"I said.


Third persons pov

The boys were still there talking about random things until

"Jungwon do you really like Daeji?"Heeseung asked while his arms are crossed.

Jungwon looked up to him "I already told you the answer, yes, I do like her" He said without hesitation.

"Then? When do you plan to confess?"Jay asked.

"If it's the right time. If I'm already sure that she already has completely moved on to Jake"He answered making eye contact with Jake.

Jake got back just after The girls went back to their tents.

The boys felt the tension between Jungwon and Jake.

Heeseung sighed heavily "Jake do you still like Daeji?"He said while he put his arm around Jake's shoulder.

He was quiet for a minute.

"Then, How about Lia?"Heeseung asked again.

After some seconds.

"I don't know, maybe?"He answered.

"See he even answered fast than the first question"Ni-ki said a bit irritated.

Ofcourse he would still feel a little bit mad because he knows that her noona/cousin liked Jake a lot. Even though he doesn't show that he doesn't care about Daeji he'd still feel like a brother that would protect his family.

"Ni-ki calm down"Sunoo said and patted Ni-ki's back.

"So... that means Jungwon you can have a chance on her"Sunghoon said.

Jungwon only stared at Jake.

'He better stay away from Daeji, I'll not let her cry again like what that guy did'

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