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I looked outside the window trying to comfort myself.

I feel so empty right now.

I can't feel my soul right now.

"Omo!- Yah! Daeji it's too early in the morning to scare people you know!"Kienna exclaimed.

I looked at her blankly for a second and plopped my head down to my desk which caused a loud sound.

Kienna gasped and ran to me"Yah! Are you okay? What the hell is happening to you right now"She said while holding my head up and checking if I'm okay.

"Girl! You look like a dead body!Wait- Did you cry?"She said after scanning ny face.

Are my eyes really that puffy to notice,I couldn't even eat my breakfast a while ago and just want to sleep right now.

I looked at Kienna who was busy finding something in ger bag abd suddenly taking her makeup pouch.

"I'll cover that up, let me take care of it"She said and starting putting makeup all over my face especially my eyes.

"Done!"She exclaimed while smiling then showing me myself on the mirror.

Well, not bad I guess.

I just gave her a lil thumbs up.

"Don't tell me you're crying over Jake again. I thought you have already moved on?"

I slowly turned my head on her "He's not the one I'm crying about."I answered.

"Really?Then what did you cry about?"

"If I tell you I'm dead would you think I'm crazy?"

Kienna clearly got creeped up.

"Nevermind. You wouldn't get that anyway"I said and put my head on the desk again.

"Okay then..."She said and went to her table to place her bag and went outside probably to find Jay.

I should go to the library.

I went to the library and look for a book about dreaming of myself dead.

I picked up atleast two books to begin because I don't have enough time for later.

I intensely read everything fast till the bell rang meaning it's time for class.

I walked there and saw my teacher on the other end of the hall and when we had eyecontact.

the two of us ran fast to our classroom.

If I go in first I won't be at detention.

I rushed inside as fast as I could and as soon as I got in first, I sat on my chair and looked at my teacher who was gasping for air.

"Well looks like you're exempted for detention today"my teacher said while still inhaling air.

I laughed a bit and started focusing on class again.


Third persons pov

Jungwon looked around the cafeteria finding where Daeji is.

He spotted Yuna waiting on the line.

He went to yuna to ask where Daeji is.

"Hey Yuna, have you seen Daeji?I saw the two of you earlier together"

"Ah, she said she's skipping lunch and she's alone at the library now"

"Oh, okay thanks"He said and went on his was to the library.

'Why is she going into libraries these days'He said on his thoughts.

He went inside to search for Daeji and saw her sitting near the window with books that are loaded on her table.

"Hey Daeji, what are you reading?"He asked curiously.

"I'm busy don't bother me, if you'll stay just sit there and don't bother me"She answered without looking at Jungwon.

'Tch, What are even so busy for'He said on his thoughts.

Jungwon seated in front of Daeji and watched her reading the books so busy.

He just stared at her and looked at her face. He noticed her eyes were a bit puffy.

'She cried?'He wondered.

He was about to talk but remembered that she told him to not bother her.

He had no choice but to just stare at her and watch her read again.

He looked at the book she was reading. It was a book about time, sleep, dreams theories.

He got confused 'Its the same type of book that she was reading last time..'

He slowly took one of the books and started reading it too.

Daeji didn't notice as she was too focused on what she's reading.

Jungwon had no idea why he's reading this now but he slowly got bored because he wasn't interested in it.

Daeji was done reading a book and started writing notes in her notebook.

She dropped the book on the table accidentally which made Jungwon flinched a little bit.

Daeji raised one of her brows "Why'd you get startled kitty cat"She said while still jotting down on her notebook,not sparing a glance at Jungwon.

"Ki-kitty cat?!"He said and got flustered a little bit by that.

Daeji smirked then chuckled "I'm kidding, Let's go I'm already done reading. I'm hungry I want to eat something"

The two stood up and Daeji placed the books back and left along with Jungwon on the way to the cafeteria.


"Hey.. did you cry?"Jungwon asked while Daeji was munching her food.

She swallowed her food and said "No, some bug bit my eye so it's a bit puffy"She made an excuse but clearly Jungwon won't buy her excuses.

Jungwon didn't respond.

"What? I told you a bug bit my eye- Cmon why don't you believe me"

"You're a bad liar"He answered while stroking his hair attractively.

Daeji choked on her food and started gasping for air.

Jungwon panicked and immediately gave Daeji a bottle of water.

"Be careful"Jungwon said worriedly.

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