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"N-NO! I'M NOT GOING OUT!" Daeji shouted as she was gripping at the walls and the doorknob because Yuna and Kienna wants to take her somewhere but she was too lazy to go out

"WE HADN'T HANGOUT FOR A LONG TIME WE HAVE TO GO!"Kienna shouted pulling her.

"N-no!- AAAAAAA"

The two successfully got Daeji out and quickly dragged her away from her bedroom

"Hi auntie we'll take Daeji away and give her back later! Thanks auntie!"Kienna said and waving at Daeji's mom.

"MOM! NO!DON'T LET THEM TAKE MEEEEEEEE" Daeji shouted loudly from inside the car.

"Girl shut up, it's weekend now we have to hangout"Yuna said and fixed Daeji's hair.


"No buts just shut up"Yuna shushed Daeji's mouth.

"My clothes aren't for weekend hangouts"Daeji cried out.

"You're fine, It's okay we can buy some clothes at the mall later"Kienna said.

"But look at my clothes! You guys just started rummaging through my closet" Daeji said and looking at her outfit.

The outfit

"Aye cmon you look good in everything don't worry"Yuna said trying to reassure Daeji

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"Aye cmon you look good in everything don't worry"Yuna said trying to reassure Daeji.


"We're here, let's go now"Kienna said.

"Can I have some water"Daeji asked before going out of the car.

Yuna nodded and gave Daeji a bottle of water.

The three walked to the entrance of the mall and saw someone waiting for them.

It was Jungwon waiting for them, he was smiling brightly and waving at the three.

Daeji was surprised to Jungwon and suddenly choked by her saliva.

"Daeji, are you okay?"Jungwon asked worried.

Daeji only coughed and coughed as she was trying to control herself, she turned back on them and drank the water that yuna gave her earlier at the car.

She sighed heavily after her cough was gone.

She turned back on them and smiled akwardly
"Ah- I-I'm okay. Let's go now"She said and trying to avoid contact with Jungwon.

Jungwon chuckled at her and was walking beside her while the two were in front them.

Jungwon coughed and tried to start a conversation with her"You look nice by the way"

"A-ah y-you look good too"Daeji stuttered while scratching the back of her nape.

Jungwon was wearing a black turtle neck some jacket and some brown pants .

"Wah look at them, all akward to each other"Yuna snickered but only Kienna heard her.

Kienna smirked and looked back at the two.

Jungwon and Daeji was stealing glances at eachother makes it more akward.

"Ah right the boys are coming soon they said something came up"Jungwon said.

Everyone nodded and looked at eachother and started laughing.

"Haha wh-why is it so akward"Daeji laughed akwardly while looking away.

"Ah! O-our Exams are coming!haha"Kienna suddenly said.

Yuna nudge Kienna and whispered "Why are you bringing that up now?"

"We need some thing to talk about so it won't be akward!"Kienna whispered back at Yuna.

"Oh? o-oh yeah! Exams..."Yuna acted too.

"hah right exams are coming, oh we are exempted to two subjects for this upcoming exams"Daeji answered.

The teachers planned to exempt tge students who also attended the camping.

"Eh? we are?how?"Kienna asked.

"Well, it's supposed to announced on Monday but it'll be fine. Anyway as I was saying.."


"Omo!"Dongpyo gasped when he saw a cute mascot walking around the mall.

Dongpyo ran and asked to take some photos.

"Ah- no I'm not taking pictures with that"Daeji said while not looking at the mascot.

She's scared of mascots because of a movie she had seen when she was young, in short she was traumatized.

Daeji quickly hide behind Jungwon.

But then she realised "Ah haha sorry I just got scared for a moment" She said embarrassed of herself.

"It's okay cmon let's go away far from the mascot"Jungwon said and hold her hands to sit on some bench inside the mall. It was atleast 3 stores from the mascot guy.

"thanks"Daeji said.

They two fell into a comfortable silence. Daeji was looking around while Jungwon was staring at her.

"Yo! what are you guys doing here, cmon it's time to eat!"Jay shouted.

"Ah right chicken!"Daeji exclaimed happily, she stood up excitedly "cmon Jungwon let's go!"

Jungwon smiled at her and the two went to the others.


"Yah look at that!"Kienna excitedly looked at the chicken that was served at the table.

"Aye Kienna-ah lower your voice! Aren't you embarrassed"Sunoo said.

"Tsk, it's fine! it's just us inside the restaurant! And that's thanks to my baby Jay"Kienna said and hugged Jay's arms happily.

"Well he rented it so"Heeseung said.

"Aye! Son of a ceo indeed!"Ni-ki said while happily taking a bite of the chicken he ordered.

While the others were loud and talking about random stuff the two were in their own world.

"Ah Daeji-ah since when did you like eating spicy food?"Jungwon asked since he noticed that the chicken looked spicy.

"Oh uh, I just started to like it recently, because mom has been cooking some spicy foods lately"Daeji tried to explain while Jungwon only nodded.

That wasn't the particular reason but because of her past self she liked spicy foods because of quarantine.

"It's been cold lately! I think it'll snow soon!"Yuna said excited while everyone agreed.

"Ah isn't that Jungwons favourite season"Daeji suddenly whispered to herself. When she realised that she was reminded by Jungwon when talking about snow. She gasped and covered her mouth.

"Daeji-ah you look crazy, you good?"Dongpyo said while laughing at me.

"She's always like that, that's her bare minimum of being crazy"Ni-ki said teasing her noona.

"Yah Ni-ki shut your mouth"Daeji warned.

"Yah Ni-ki shut your mouth"Ni-ki copied her childishly.

"Okay okay kids calm down now, you're in front of the food so behave"Heeseung said looking like a father at the table.

The two fake coughed and started focusing again to their foods and the others laughed at them.

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