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I feel free right now..... The scenery is still beautiful as ever , it's calming my soul.

It's not that suffocating... yet.

"What's with those eyes again Daeji?"Jungwon said. I looked beside me.

"You look tired, it's like you've done a lot"

"It was a lot to take in but yes I am tired" I said while looking at the scenery again.

"Are you okay? Don't tell me you're anxious about something again"


I am anxious." I said blankly.

He sighed and gave me a backhug.

"I know you won't tell me your problems but you'll be ok, alright?" He said .

I ruffled his hair and while he's still snuggling into me.

a week ago

Third persons pov

"Lia!" Jake called for her name. Lia looked back with a smile.

"And what do you need now Mr. Sim?" Lia said while crossing her arms .

"Tch, Here you told me you wanted this" Jake then threw her kitkats and gladly Lia caught it.

"You can give it to me properly you know" Lia said rolling her eyes and started eating her kitkats.

Jake laughed at her and went closely to her and grabbed a tissue to remove some little chocolate on the side of her lips.

An eye was watching them from afar.

"Why is that girl


she's- she's not supposed to be here!" Daeji said silently. tears were starting to form on her eyes, she started to run away and went to the garden of the school.Only a few goes to this part of the garden, no one will see her here.

She covered her face with her handkerchief and started crying silently. She suddenly stopped crying when she heard footsteps coming close to her.
She quickly fixed her face and covered her face with her long hair.

The boy screamed as he saw a girl with her face covered by her hair, He touched his chest trying to save up his face as he looks at her figure he knew who it was.

"Daeji?" Heeseung said going closer to her.

"Heeseung?" she answered back trying to look at him to confirm his face without showing hers.

"Geez Daeji were you planning on scaring me? because I wasn't scared" He said trying to save face himself he felt humiliated as he was startled at her.

"Ah I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I'll be going now"She said trying to go away but got stopped by Heeseung.

"Are you ok? were you crying?" He said with a concerned tone.

"Ah no I got allergies so-" She got cut off by the ring of the bell " I'll be going back now! bye!" She said running away.

Heeseung stood there confused as to why she was acting like that.

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