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"Let's take a walk outside"Daeji suggested after they finished changing.

"Let's go"Yuna said and opened the door.


The three walked together and talked about random stuffs. They went down the hill.

"Ooh the boys are playing there!" Yuna pointed at the boys who were playing soccer.

"Woah Jake's good!"Kienna said admiring him.

"Oh do you think I have a chance on Jaemin?"Kienna blurted out of nowhere.

The two quickly looked at her giving her a 'wtf'look.

"Oh cmon you guys, I was just asking"Kienna said.

"And why would you randomly say that?Did we miss something?"Daejii said.

Kienna gestured the two to come closer to her
"That's because a while ago I almost slipped but then he caught me!"

"He's older than you!"Yuna said.

"You really like older men do you?"Daejii said crossing her arms. The two didn't had any problems with who Kienna dates, it's just all of them were older than her.

"But!You know maybe I do have a chance...."

"Hey! Kienna! Is this yours?"Jaemin went to the three girls who was gossiping.

Kienna made a 'HE'S HERE! SHIT!' face and trying to control her smile. And finally faced him .

"Ah.. yes, thanks"Kienna said acting all shy while the two was holding their laughs and the two started to ran away.

"YAH!-"Kienna shouted as she saw the two leaving her.

"Ahm I have to go now. Thanks by the way!"Kienna said and ran away as fast as she could.

'That two!'Kienna said in her mind.

Meanwhile the two decided to hide from her. They hided behind a bush near the where the boys were playing.

"She's definitely angry now!" Yuna whispered and two only laughed.

They heard a footsteps walking towards them.

"You guys look like kittens that were abandoned"Jay said and looked over the two.

The two looked up at Jay who was chuckling at them.

"Get up. Kienna went back to the hill"Jay said and offered both of his hands to help the two girls.

"We should say sorry to Kienna, I don't want her to be so upset"Daeji said as she was worried that Kienna might me mad at her right now.

"Yah! The two of you!"Kienna shouted as the three looked at her.

"Don't think of running away-"

Daeji hugged Kienna"Sorry We didn't mean to do that, We just gave you time alone with your 'oppa' hehe"

Kienna just side-eyed Daeji "Tsk, Fine I won't be mad"

Daejii only smiled brightly and still hugging her.

"Hey! You guys wanna join? Let's play some girls vs boys!"Sunghoon shouted from the other side.

"But there's only three of us!"Yuna shouted.

"You guys can have sunoo and Ni-ki!"Sunghoon shouted back.

"Fine we'll join!" Kienna shouted too.


"Yah!Daeji and Ni-ki you guys are doing good so much!"Jay shouted as they were positioned on their places again for another round.

"It runs in the blood!"Niki shouted proudly half joking.

Daejii only smirked.

And started playing again.

"Oh- pass it to me noona!"Ni-ki shouted waiting for Dachii to pass it to him.

"Agh I can't escape Jungwon!" Daeji shouted.

Daeji looked up at Jungwon who was smirking at her, that somehow flustered her.

'Why is he smirking-'Daejii said in her thoughts and was cut off when the ball was taken by Jungwon.

'That damned cat!' She said again on her thoughts.

"Well well well look who's distracted by Jungwons charms again, hah you guys should get together"Yuna said as she was standing beside her while Daeji was frozen.

'Me and jungwon? together?'Daeji thought.

Daeji only glared at her and tried to focus back again on the game.

"WOOHOO!WIN AGAIN!" Ni-ki said and high fived Sunoo who was beside him.

"Wah I'm tired"Daeji said and suddenly bumped on Jungwon because her eyes were closed.

She opened her eyes and her eyes widened then suddenly distanced herself.

'Why is this akward wtf?'Daejii thought.

Jungwon smirked at her again and patted her head.

"Thanks for giving me the ball, you gave us a chance to win on that"He said and walked away.

"Wha- Yah! I didn't passed it to you on purpose!You tricked me!"She shouted at Jungwon from a distance.

The two girls only patted Daeji's back and left her standing there.

"The fuck why would he thought I passed it to him on purpose?maybe- did he saw me with a flustered face???"She whispered to herself and suddenly slapping her face with both of her hands.

"I mean that was attractive tho- Nope shut up-"She said and started walking back up to the hill.

While she was on her way a boy suddenly stood in front of her.

(I'm on my unhealthy phase again because my pimples were showing again😭😭😭 It's either I'm lacking on sleep or being unhealthy on foods because I'm eating too much or in short stress eating. Plus I'm having 'False Awakening' again. But whatever I still want to update and make myself healthy again! So y'all better be healthy as well!)

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