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The two stared at eachothers eyes like they were the only people there.

"Is that Daeji? Daeji!"

The two broke the eye contact when they heard a girls voice calling Daeji.

"What are you guys doing here?"Lia said while approaching them.

"Lia don't run so fast"Another voice said.

It was Jake.

"What are you doing here?"Daeji said.

"Ah we went to a library near here!"Lia answered brightly while her arms are interlocked with Jake.

"Ah is that so, We'll be going now"Daeji said as she didn't had time with the two.

When she was about to walk away Jake suddenly took her wrist, they just stood there and Jake was looking into her eyes intensely.

Daeji felt irritated and pulled back her hand away from Jake.

She brought Jungwon along with her on the way back to the mall.

"Gosh why would they ruin the mood?"Daeji said frustrated while brushing off the snow at her clothes.

Daeji's phone buzzed and answered it.

Girl where have you been we

Oh sorry, we're here at the entrance

It's almost time for dinner!

Okay We'll be on our way bye

I ended the call and started walking away which Jungwon was running following me.

Seeing THAT TWO really ruins my mood.


"What the fuck"Kienna said almost dropping the stuffs that she's holding as soon as we turned on the hallway.

"Holding hands?!"She exclaimed looking disgusted at what she saw.

I was busy on my phone so I looked up to see Jake and Lia holding hands together and being all happy and lovey dovey to eachother.

I rolled my eyes as I remembered yesterdays event.

"Let's just go"I said blankly and dragged Kienna away so we won't be seen by Lia and Jake.

"Damn, so they're a couple now?That was fast"She said and placed her stuffs inside ber locker.

"You're not affected huh?"She said and shut her locker loudly because I wasn't paying attention to what she's saying.

I got startled and looked at her confused."Dude why are you so loud"I said.

"Well dumb shit you weren't listening to me"She said and flicked my forehead

"Ow that was hard"I said while holding my forehead.

"Anyway you said you saw-"

"Daeji noona!"A boy called.

The two turned their heads to the boy.

It's that kid from camping.

"Hi noona!"He greeted brightly.

"Ayden right?What are you doing here?"I asked.

The 7-8 graders on the other building while 9-10 are on the same building.

"My sister is also in this building,her some of her stuff got mixed on my bag"

"Ah is that so, we'll get going now!bye see you around!"I said and brought Kienna along with me.

"Who was that?"Kienna asked confusedly as we went on our way to our class.

"Remember the kid that I told in camping"

"Oh-oh! That! well he's kinda cute tho"

I gave her a '???' look.

"Girl I already have a boyfriend"

"Damn I thought you're into younger boys now"I snickered.


"Daeji! Don't leave us please...."My mom cried loudly holding my hands tight.

Everyone in the room was crying.

"Mom I'm here"I said and tried to hold my mom's shoulder but my hand just went through like my I was a ghost.

I widely opened my eyes and looked at my hands.

"What I-I can't touch anything"I panicked and started touching and trying to throw things but I still can't.

I ran into my mom "MOM I'M HERE! PLEASE! PLEASE LOOK AT ME!"I cried as I got scared of anything that's happening.

I looked at the body 'myself' that was lying on the bed unalive.

"NO! I'M NOT DEAD! MOM! PLEASE! PLEASE...."i cried loudly but no one did look at me.

"That's not me.... I can't be dead"I said while I feel my whole body getting weak and shattered.

"No!"I shouted and shot my body up from my bed.

My mom soon came inside my room and checked on me.

"Daeji-ah what's wrong?"My mom said worried while embracing me in her arms.

"I had a nightmare... Mom can you really see me"I asked while crying.

"Yes honey I can see you clearly right now"She said and patted my back for comfort.

"What nightmare did you have?"She asked.

"You couldn't see me, no one could hear me,I couldn't touch anything !"I said and still cried scared that I might be still in my dreams.

"Shh, It's okay, it's just a nightmare."

"Do you want me to sleep beside you tonight?"She asked.

I nodded while still hugging my mom tightly.

"Okay we'll sleep together, don't cry anymore"she said comforting me and turned off the lights to get to sleep.

'I'm not dead.. Am I..'

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