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Kia's birthday

"Aaa Jungwon" I whined as I wanted to hide behind him but he keeps showing me off.

"Oh cmon, you look good in that dress. I'd rather show off my pretty girl rather than just keeping you behind" He said and smirked at me.

I blushed and hide my face using my bag. Damn this guy. I feel like I'll explode in any second now. It's that feeling again, butterflies...?

"Let's sit over there" Jungwon pointed at a vacant table.

We were just chatting to eachother and Kia passed by.

I went to her and greeted her happy birthday.

"Happy birthday Kia! I'm sorry we don't hangout that much anymore but hey! I'm always here for you okay?" I said while holding both of her hands .

"Hm ye-yeah uh thanks, I'll be going now I have to go greet other guests" She said and walked away.

I was confused with her till Jungwon pulled me back at my seat.

"You really need to stop spacing out on random places." He said while pinching my cheeks.

I rolled my eyes and started spacing out again.

What is this feeling? something's not right.

After a few minutes~

Oooo they're distributing foods now! I can't wait!

Aww Kia's also helping distributing foods.

Oh! It's our turn.

"Here's your food Daejii! I know you're hungry!" Kia said with a big smile.

"Well I really am!" I responded .

She smiled at me before going to the next table.

I started eating my food and minded my own business.

"Woah slow down Daeji-ah-"Jungwon said while patting my back.

I gave him a ' Don't interrupt me ' look.


"Kia Thanks for inviting us! Happy birthday again! See you tomorrow" I said gave her a hug.

She just nodded and smiled at me.

Then both of us went to the parking lot where Jungwons mom was waiting for us in her car.

After we went inside the car we had a few talks with jungwons mom .

My stomach...

It hurts.

Nah I'll just sleep it off.

I slept at Jungwons shoulder while holding my stomach.


"Daeji wake up were here at your house" I heard Jungwons soft voice waking me up.

My stomach still hurts.

"Ah thank you Mrs. Yang for taking me here at my house. goodnight bye!" I said and closed the cars door.

I rushed to go inside my house.

As soon as i got at the bathroom I threw up and started crying loudly causing to make my mom rush to the bathroom.

"What happened?" My mom asked me concernedly while wiping my sweats.

"My stomach hurts so much" I cried to my moms shoulder.

"Can you take it? Do you want to go to the hospital?" My mom asked me as she was ready to go.

I nodded while still crying my lungs out. Mom help me up changing to my normal clothes.

After that she rushed me to the hospital bringing me to the emergency room.

They made me lie down to the hospital beds and that's where my vision became blurry and passed out.

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