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"So .... what are we gonna do now?" I asked him while sitting on the couch.

"What do you wanna do?"  He asked back then sat beside me.

"Oh cmon, I asked the question and you're returning it to me now"I said and stood up to open the tv.

"Movies then" He said and took the remote from me. I glared at him "What?I know a new movie they said it's good so let's watch it" He said.

"Ok this better be good- WAIT! horror?! no no no" I exclaimed and held the remote and not realising we're holding hands.

"I'm here, you'll be fine."

He said that while looking into my eyes.


I am always fine with him.

I calmed down and scooched closer to him.

"Wait, I'll put maeumi too my room so he won't be scared by the thunders"I said and went to take maeumi to my room.

I came back and the movie started along with loud thunders.
"Fcking bullsh-" I said and covered my ears after after a jumpscare appeared.

He laughed at me and picked up the remote to lower the volume as it was too loud and intense.

Suddenly a loud thunder came and the lights went out. "seriously a blackout? right now" I said and stood up.

"Hey, come with me at the basement, let's turn on the generator" I said and dragged him along at the basement.

"Gosh it's so dark here" I said and coughed after I moved some of the dusty boxes around the generator.

"Found it!-" My soul almost left my body when I saw him staring at me. I hit him in his arm. "Hey! tsk, stop being weird! you're creeping me out" I said and turned around and looked where the buttons are to open it.

"Where is it" I murmured and found an on and off button. I pressed on and waited for it to turn on.

It's been a minute... I'll press it again. Another minute passed and still didn't work.

He sighed and pulled me back gently to check on it "seems like it's not working." He said.

"Ok, let's get back"I said and went back up stairs to get maeumi.

"Oh-baby I'm sorry I left you, cmon let's go"I said and picked him up.

I sat on the couch beside jungwon and put maeumi on the couch while Jungwon was staring on me.

"What?" I asked.

"I was looking at maeum" He said and smirked.

"Dork-" He snuggles into me and we both fell down the sofa.

"It's cold"He mumbled.

I felt his breathing on my neck.

"Let's stay like this for a while" He said and looked at me.

My face is red....

*BOOM* and that was my heart exploding again....

I hummed as yes and let him cuddle like this for a while.

Minutes have passed and it was comfortably silent. I checked his face.

He's sleeping.

I stared at his sleeping face. How can you be so cute even if you are sleeping. How peaceful he looks right now.

I smiled and moved some of his hairs that was on his eyes. So beautiful.

His eyes fluttered and looked straight at mine.

"Admiring me?" He chuckled.

I blushed "Maybe.." I said while locking eye contact with him.

His eyes shifted to my lips.

Our faces both slowly went close to eachother.

I Finally felt his lips on mine.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds, he broke the kiss. We both had flustered faces. He burried his face on my shoulder.

"I messed up..." He mumbled and looked at me again.

I was too stunned by the kiss.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

I gave him a quick kiss and put my dead down , not looking at him .

He suddenly hugged me, he let go to see my face but I quickly covered my red face.

He was chuckling and trying to get my hands off my face so he can see me.

"Wanna go out with me?" He asked.

Ah... this is it... this question...

"Ofcourse" I said and looked at him.

A wide smile was on his face. He hugged me and kissed me on my cheek.

My hearts pounding was going to burst.

"Do you want to take a walk outside?" He asked.

Ofcourse, It was his favourite thing to do. Taking a walk in a rainy streets.

I smiled "Sure let's go." I said and stood up took maeum again to my room so he would be okay.

I took an umbrella and started walking alongside with Jungwon, I gt his warm hands on mine.

I looked at him and smiled.

The best day of my life.

Authors note:

Hi! i updated again as promised hehe, my school's done by tomorrow so I'm free but not really. Annnddd I also have published a new book ! It's a Jake FF! You guys can check it out ! and also check my Heeseung FF as well^^

That's all thank youuu <333

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