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Today *sigh, I finally decided to get back on myself. I mean , I have been quiet the whole week and literally ignored everyone. This actually wasn't one of my personality before ,I mean like the past.

My coping mechanism during the quarantine was kind of just being all alone and just glued myself to my room.

"Hey Daeji!" Jungwon greeted me at the school gates.

I smiled at him. "Hey won" I greeted him back.

"Waaahh, is my Daeji back again?I missed you!" He said happily and hugged me tightly.

I giggled and pulled away "Okay now stop being clingy, you don't want me to ignore you again right?" I said teasing him.

"Okay- okay I'll stop. Let's go now!"He said and brought me along to the basketball court.

Why is this guy bringing me here-

"Sit here! And watch me okay!" He said and made me sit on a bench as he ran all the way to the court and started playing with Ni-ki, jay , hoon and sunoo.

"Hey have you heard-"

"GAH-" I got startled by someone beside me, it was Yuna.

"You scared the shit out of me! How did you even get here!" I said holding my chest still shocked.

"Geez, I was just going to tell you about the new transferee" Yuna said eating her chips early in the morning.

"What? Transferee? Sunoo didn't tell me about that" I said not remembering that there was a sudden transferee.

If there was I would know because of course I am part of the student council. Maybe I didn't remember well because my mind was loaded last time.

Yuna only shrugged " I heard she's a girl and a daughter of a politician"

I only nodded.

Politician huh? Like Kia?

(Kia's father is a mayor)

After thinking for awhile I watched the boys play and I didn't even realized that the other boys are here.

Woah Jungwon is really good now he beat ni-ki for a 5 points gap.

"Wah! Jungwon-ah! You're so good!" I cheered happily.

He looked at me and smiled brightly at me.

I looked at Jake that was beside won.

He had a blank face.

What the hells wrong with this guy?

"Guys it's almost class! Let's go!" Yuna shouted after checking her phone.

She tapped on my shoulder telling me let's go.

Me, Yuna and the boys went on our way to our classrooms.

But before I entered one of our teachers told me that I'll show the new transferee around later at lunch.

So that means she's in our class? I hope she'll be good , I mean those toxic girls in our class may influence her or whatsoever.

I agreed and went on my classroom.

I sat on my seat and chatted for a little bit with jungwon in my back. Then our teacher came in.

Oh she's here-

My heart suddenly stopped.


Why- why is she here?!


"Hi my name is Kang Lia! I hope we all get along and please take care of me!"

My vision turned black of the sight seeing her here.

What the actual f-

"You may sit at Jake's back"

Whe politely nodded and went on her way to her seat . I felt her stare at me. I couldn't look back.

This isn't suppose to happen.

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