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As soon as the class was done i picked up all of my things and dashed right outside the classroom.

I'm tired of them being like that.Ugh.

They're waiting at the gates. Finally I'll be escaping this place.

"Hey guys!" I said while running towards them.

"Oh, Hi Heeseung!" I looked at him he's beside Sunoo.

Why's he here? It's just supposed to be us- Nope not spending my money more.

"He's coming with us!" Sunoo said while pointing at Heeseung.

"Don't worry I'm not coming with your dinner I'll just join you guys at the mall" He said smiling.

What's with this guy? Eh who cares at least I won't spend more money with treating them to dinner.

I just nodded in response and started getting on our way to the mall.

"Hey! Look at that!" Yuna said while pointing to a pretty dress.

"It looks cute but isn't that-" I got cut off.

"Daeji! I think it'll suit you!you should get that!" Yuna said and before I could say no she has already dragged me inside the store.

The dress:

And there we go

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And there we go. I bought it. Ugh this is what I get for being an impulsive buyer.

"Wow it's so pretty Daeji! When will you wear that?" Sunoo gasped as he saw it inside the paper bag.

"Ack, I don't know I just bought it for fun i guess" I said .

"hmm- Ah! right, Kia's birthday is coming you can wear it at her party!" Dongpyo said.

"But don't you think she'll outshine Kia if she wears this" Heeseung said .

"Tch, It's okay if you outshine her she's annoying anyways" Sunoo said rolling his eyes.

"Right! She was literally being so sassy to us she's literally annoying" Yuna said with dongpyo and Sunoo completely agreeing.

"Huh? But Kia is really sweet maybe she's just playing with you" I said while scrunching ny eyebrows.

"Tsk playing with us? She purposely made yuna trip. She bumped into Sunoo and that one was really hard because his skin was so red and me? She deleted all of my files that's needed for the computer lab" Dongpyo said fastly like he was rapping ,all annoyed ready to throw punches at her.

What? She's not like that? When she does something to me she'd say sorry and we always hangout .

"Okay okay calm down, Let's just enjoy today okay? how about we go to the arcades?" I said trying to change the topic.

Everyone agreed excitedly and went to the arcades.

We split up inside this big ass arcade. Sunoo, Yuna , and dongpyo wanted to go to the shoot gun play thingy.

(Idk what the name of that game thingy so I think y'all know what I'm talking about lol💀)

Now It's just me and Heeseung. He said he'll just follow me every where I go, so-

"Ooh claw machines!"I said as i ran excitedly towards the machine and quickly inserted a coin to start.

"I can't do this-" I cried as I looked back i got startled I forgot Heeseung was here.

I've mentally slapped myself. How embarrassing .

He laughed at me while taking out his tokens.

"Okay I'll get it for you"He said . I pointed out which plushie I wanted.

"Okay okay, and- YES! I GOT IT!" we both cheered as i was jumping excitedly.

I hugged the plushie tight. It's so cute!

"You're so cute, you're like a little kid"He chuckled and patted my head. I thanked him a lot Of times,while still hugging my plushie

This was the plushie y'all:

(Okay I'll sleep now I'm tired asf

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(Okay I'll sleep now I'm tired asf. I literally finished essays in like 4-5 subjects today and tomorrow is the due date so- okay bye goodnight y'all!")

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