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I'm starting to feel anxious. What is this?

The whole class till lunch time was a whole mental breakdown to me.

"Daejii-ah you good?" Jungwon asked me concerned.

I only looked down and played with my fingers.

Jungwon looked at me and hugged me comfortingly.

"Hey if you need to be alone again it's okay , I'll wait for you-"

"No- I-it's okay I just need you beside me." I said and hugged him back.

He only hummed and softly patted my back.


I'm now done with my lunch then the thought of  touring Lia around was lingering on my mind.

Shit how do I do this. I looked at won while he's still chewing some of his food.

Yes! I'll take him with me to be less awkward and tension.

"Staring is rude-"

"Come with me later okay?" I said.

"Where?" Jungwon asked.

"Uh, you know the new girl? our classmate yeah? I'll be touring her around as the teacher say so can you please come with me?"

He nodded .

Yes!I let out a heavy sigh.

Hope this turns out well.


Yeah no-

Even if won is here I just want to run away now.

"Daeji? Why do you look like you don't want to do this?Do you not like me?" She asked looking at me while walking around.

Yeah ofcourse I don't like you. you aren't even supposed to be here!

I only looked away at her and continued telling her about whatever the school is about.

After school~

me ,jake and jungwon decided to do our project for our art class. Me and won are already here at the study place, while jake will be going here later as he said he was going to get something and promised he'll be not late.

It's been 15 minutes and he's still not here.

Where is that guy?

I sighed heavily and rested my face on the table.
"That guy is really disappointing"

"Atleast I'm better than him" Jungwon whispered but I still heard it.

"Yeah. you are more better than him" I answered.

"Really? ([this is a whisper]Why not choose me then?) Then why wait for him?"

"What? ofcourse we'll wait for him he's our groupmate. What are you even talking about-"

"Do you still like Jake?" He suddenly said.

I was frozen by his sudden question.

Do I still like Jake? Why are my mind and my heart saying the opposite?

"Hm. You still like him" He said confirming himself.


"Ah sorry guys I'm late there was something I had to deal with along the way" Jake has arrived.

Something to deal with? Lia? Yep probably Lia.

"Let's start?" Jake said while taking out his stuffs.


I'm in my bedroom thinking deeply about jungwons question.

It's 1am

Do I still like Jake?

And this. Everything has changed. Is the universe trying to say something to me?

I still can't connect the dots.

I stared at the moonlight that was shining through my window.

It's always 1am that the moonlight would visit my room. It feels comforting somehow.

I started writing my thoughts on an empty notebook that I have on my shelves to clear out my mind so I could sleep peacefully.

Well I hope I could sleep peacefully tho.

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