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"That's it I'm calling the police" Heeseung said with a pissed tone.

"I'll call auntie first"Ni-ki said and dialed Daeji's mom immediately.

Everyone was busy being too worried at Daeji.
Her lips were pale and her body was still cold.

Jungwon sat on the side of the bed looking at Daeji. He slowly hold Daeji's hand and her hands were warm.

Soon three people barged in the room.

It was Daeji's parents and her grandfather.

Everyone got surprised seeing Daeji's grandfather coming here, they all bowed as respect and left the room except for Jungwon.

Daeji's mom hugged her tight and cried.

The grandfather looked at the young boy who was beside his granddaughter.

"You. Tell me what happened"The grandfather spoke to the boy.

Jungwon got startled.

Daeji's grandfather was a famous high judge of the country and owns a big law firm company.
He was well respected and no one would want to mess with him nor his family.

Jungwon slowly got up and explained what happened.

The grandfather took out his phone and called some of his men to look for those people who brought his granddaughter to this state.

"Jungwon thank you for saving my little girl"Daeji's mom said and hugged the boy while the father just gave a small smile and tapped his back.


Everyone in the room immediately turned their heads to Daeji who was trying to sit up.

"Daeji!"Her family went to her and checked on her.

"Sweetheart how are you?"

"Are you warm enough?"


"I'm okay...."

Jungwon stood there letting out a relieved smile
"I'll go call the nurse first..."He said and left the room.

"sweetie.. we already contacted the police about the accident don't worry okay?"Mom said while caressing my head.

Daeji only smiled.

"Grandpa it's nice to see you again"Daeji smiled at his grandfather.

The grandfather barely visits Daeji as he was always busy at the company.

"It's nice seeing you too but- not on this state okay?Grandpa already went on to capture those assholes who did this to you"

"Do you want anything? I'll spoil you on whatever you want just tell me"He added.

"Grandpa, as long as I could see you right now then it's already enough"

The nurse and the doctor knocked and went inside the room. They checked and monitored her for a while and said "She would be fine tomorrow meaning she can be discharged tomorrow morning"

Everyone nodded and thanked the doctor and nurse before they left.

"Jungwon and your friends are waiting outside should I let them in?"mom asked.

Daeji nodded.

"Daeji!-"Kienna exclaimed loudly but also remembered that Daeji's grandpa was there.

"Ah- haha D-Daeji how are you"She said embarrassed but slowly went close to Daeji.



"Kia! What are we gonna do now?! What if Daeji's dead?!"Lia said with a very panicked tone.

Kia was walking back and forth thinking how will she get out of this mess.

A knock was heard from the door and startled the two girls.

"Is that the police??No- I don't want to get arrested-!" Lia said crampled herself like a paper on the couch.

"Calm down you freaking brat, we won't be arrested so calm down."Kia said holding both Lia's shoulder tightly.

She slowly went to open the door, It was a one of their maids.

"Miss there are police searching for you outside"The maid said.

"WE'RE DEAD-!"Lia screamed.

Kia turned her head to Lia furiously.She shut the door on the maids face and the maid was still waiting for Kia's order.

"you-!, keep your mouth shut I'll tell dad about this so everything will be fine. when we go there and get questioned just make things up, but make sure you won't say something that'll make them suspect us."Kia firmly said and went outside the bedroom to go to the front door where the police was waiting.

"Miss Kia? Are you with Lia right now?" One of the cops said.

"Ah, yes we were just hanging out-"Kia got cut off and the police went inside to get Lia.

"Miss Kia? Please come with us, you have the right to remain silent."The cops said and put Kia on the police car while waiting to get Lia along with her.

Kia gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.Soon Lia was put on the other police car.

Lia glanced at Kia anxiously, while Kia only gave a 'don't mess up' look.


At the Police station~

Daeji's grandfather was standing beside a desk inside the police station waiting for those who have made her granddaughter suffer.

The police bowed at the high judge and brought Kia and Lia along with them.

The heavy tension was filling the whole room.
The two girls was scared and nervous as they saw an unexpected man.

"Ah- Miss Kia and Lia, you can sit here for the questioning"

On the whole questioning they were obviously guilty.

"The two of you may get house arrested and when you guys are on legal age you will get transferred to prison here. That's because what you did was attempted murder. Your parents are already contacted and they are on their way here."The police who questioned them said.

Lia started panicking as hearing about their parents on their way on the police station.

"Please-! please- I-I didn't do anything! K-Kia told me to follow her-! I-I didn't know she'll go that far-!"Lia cried and begged the grandpa on her knees.

The grandfather only shoved Lia away from him and left the police station to go back to the hospital.


"Sweetheart grandpa just called and he said the cops have got them in jail"Daeji's mom said while sitting next to her.

Daeji smiled in relief, she turned to Jungwon who was on the other side of the bed.
"Jungwon I really thank you for saving me..."Daeji said and held his hands.

Jungwon blushed and smiled "I'll always save you, no matter what danger you'll get in I'll always be there"He said and held Daeji's hand and placed a small kiss on the back of her hand.

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