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Third persons pov

"NO! I DID NOT-" Jay shouted.


The rest were just confused and just laughing at the two.

"Aye kids calm down" Heeseung said and patted jay's shoulder who was sitting next to him.

"Tsk he's just afraid to confess"Ni-ki started again.

Jay sighed heavily "fine I'll do it now" He said and stand up.

Everyone cheered to Jay and saying he's so brave.

Jay walked in front of Kienna.

"Ki-kienna i uh , I like you! Ever since from 7th grade! I didn't want to tell you but I figured that I had to confess what I feel to you anyway!"He said sternly while not making eye contact with Kienna.

Kienna only stared at Jay confused and not knowing what to do. Then she suddenly remembered a memory.

~Flashback from Kienna's memory~

(Inspired from the "The girl who rejected jay's pepero)

"I will give this to Jay because it's pepero day!"Kienna said happy, excited and nervous at the same time.

"You'll be fine! I bet he'll take it!"Daeji said cheerfully while eating a pepero that was given to her from Jungwon.

The two took a turn to the halls but stopped as they saw Jay and a girl that was holding up a pepero boxes.

Kienna was stunned.

"Jay! I wanted to give you some pepero ,please accept it!"The girl said nervously.

Jay was only standing there for a while and was thinking if he should take the pepero or not. He didn't want to make the girl embarrassed so he just took it and said Thanks and walked away.

The two girls quickly ran away as Jay was walking to their direction.

"I wanted and thought I'll be the first one to give Jay a pepero, but it seems that I'm not. Here you can have this let's just go back to our classrooms"Kienna said with a sad face while handing the pepero to Daeji.

Daejii felt bad to her best friend so she comforted her all day.

~end of flashback~

A tear fell from Kienna's eye.

Jay was shocked as she saw her crush cry, he was confused as he was thinking through of what he did that made her cry.

"I-I like you too!"Kienna shouted while there was still tears coming out of her eyes.

Everyone cheered at the two.

"YOU'RE WELCOME JAY HYUNG!"Ni-ki shouted while still cheering at the two.

"What are you just gonna stand there?give me a hug!"Kienna demanded and was wiping her tears off.

Jay was shocked but slowly hugged Kienna.

A big smile slowly formed into his face while hugging Kienna.

"Congratulations on your wedding!"

"long live the newly weds!"

"I won't take care of your children!"


Everyone cheered.

"I'm jealous of them"Jungwon sighed and leaned on Daeji that was beside him.

Daejii looked at Jungwon and patted his head.

"Why? do you like someone?"Daejii asked curious as to why would he be jealous.

Jungwon looked up at Daejii with a sleepy eyes, still leaning his head into her. His mouth was close to Daeji's neck.

Daejii could feel Jungwons breathing in her neck, she suddenly felt nervous but felt butterflies to her stomach.

"Yes, I like someone but I think her heart is still in another guy" Jungwon chuckled and seated properly.

Daeji suddenly felt sad.

"Who is this girl you're talking about?"She asked.

"I don't know, maybe I'm talking to her right now." Jungwon said while putting marshmallow on the stick so he could burn it at the fire and eat it later.

Daeji was frozen.

"M-me?"She stuttered while pointing to herself.

Jungwon chuckled at her"Yeah, maybe. Who knows"He said and shrugged.

'No way....' Daeji thought.

While on the other side of the bonfire Jake was there staring at Jungwon and Daeji that was close to each other.

He sighed, 'How should I tell her' Jake thought as he didn't want to hurt Daeji.

Jake felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked back and it was Lia, he felt his mood lifted by seeing her.

Lia and her other group of friends were in another circle of bonfire.

"Come with me, you seem alone and bored. We're playing something wanna join?"Lia whispered to Jake.

"Sure" He answered without hesitation.

"Guys I'll go with Lia for a while I'll see you guys later"Jake said and left while holding hands with Lia.

Everyone stared at Jake at Lia who was holding hands and was shocked.

"What... the fuck?"Dongpyo said.

"What was that?!"Yuna whispered shouted.

Jungwon quickly checked on to Daeji to see her reaction.

Daeji had no reaction.

She didn't felt hurt. 'Does that mean I've moved on?' She thought.

Jungwon held Daeji's hand and putting it into his lap.

"Here eat some marshmallows"He said while waiting for Daeji to eat the marshmallow that was on the stick.

Dachii opened her mouth and ate the mallows.

"Why are you suddenly feeding me marshmallows?"She asked confused.

"Jungwon did you think that I was hurt?"She said after she swallowed the mallow.

"Yes... I thought you did"Jungwon said.

'How thoughtful of him. This is why I love.. him..' Daeji said in her thoughts. She smiled at Jungwon.

"Jungwon I'm fine, okay? There's nothing to worry. I... think I have moved on" She said still smiling warmly.

Jungwon was happy that she seems like she had moved on.

But he wasn't so sure about that.

(a thousand words count😭😧. But anyway I updated today and maybe this book will end till around chap 40😭😭😭 But I have been preparing the new ff I'm making!

Also I'll have to sleep soon because I couldn't do my 3 hour afternoon naps BECAUSE OUR NEIGHBOR ARE SO FREAKING NOISY.

I wasn't supposed to be making a chapter today because I was finishing this manhwa that I was reading avksjshns.

but anyway I guess I'll update tomorrow. Okay good night!)

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