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I was supposed to be writing this chap then suddenly enhypen is having a vlive!!

I was supposed to be writing this chap then suddenly enhypen is having a vlive!!

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Anyway back to the story!!

Third persons pov

Daeji was walking around the campus to calm herself down from having a mental breakdown.

Then she suddenly remembered that Jake wanted to talk to her at lunch.

She ran to the place where Jake wanted to meet her.

She suddenly stopped her tracks when she saw him with

Lia, again.

"Jake... No- no I can't cry here there's a lot of people here." She said and ran away again.

Her feet brought her again to that part of the garden .

There she sat on the bench and started crying again covering herself with her handkerchief.

Suddenly She felt a presence beside me.

Oh no.

"Hmm, I caught you again crying here on the same place"

Heeseung? again?

She sniffed and looked away to atleast fix her face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked while not making eye contact with him.

"Cmon tell me what's the problem?"

She looked at him she wanted to cry again.

"Okay how about you let that cry out now hm?" Heeseung said and opened his arms which made Daejii cry out and went to Heeseungs embrace.

'She was crying like a kid that's upset when she gets scolded by her parents' Heeseungs thought.

After a few minutes her loud cry started to die down.

"Are you okay now?"

"No" She answered still with a crying voice.

She broke out the hug and started to space out.

"Thanks for the comfort" She said looking at him with still those teary eyes.

He smiled sweetly at her and patted her head
"You shouldn't cry hm? Look at your nose it's really red now"

That's Daeji's number one sign that she cried when her nose are all red.

"I know you won't open up to me, but I'm glad I can somehow comfort you.

Well we should get going to our classrooms it's almost time." He said while checking the time and standing up.

Daeji also stood up and tried to fix her face but sadly can't because she doesn't have makeup with her, well if she had one she don't even know how to use it.

"Cmon I'll take you to your classroom" Hee offered.

She nodded and thanked him.


Daejii bowed with a smile thanking Heeseung for taking her back at the classroom.

Heeseung only smiled at her and said their goodbyes .

She entered the classroom and went to her seat and tried to make herself looking like she's busy.

She knew that people in the classroom was looking at them a while ago.

"Daeji" Jungwon and Jake said in unison.

"Yes?" She answered to both of them.

"Did you cry?"

"I was waiting for you a while ago"

The both of them said.

"I was just sad about something, and I'm sorry Jake I was busy on something a while ago so I didn't got the time to meet you. We can talk about it next time" She answered to their questions.

"But why was Heeseung with you" Again.

"I told you guys I was doing something at the office and then he wanted to send me back to the classroom since he wanted to.

And enough talking in unison you guys are annoying"

The two sat properly and just sighed.


After school Daeji wanted to go to her comfort place it was a 30 minutes away from her place and she already told her mom that she'll be out.

The place

(this was also the place on chap 7 where she was with jungwon trying to get rid of her anxiety)

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(this was also the place on chap 7 where she was with jungwon trying to get rid of her anxiety)

She placed a mat and sat there.

She was trying to calm herself from her thoughts.

The calm fresh wind. The sounds of the calming field. The nature was slowly calming her down.

She breathed in her nose the smell of the flowers around her.

She suddenly thought of the future her or the her that she's supposed to be.

(Happy Halloween babes!!⊂((・▽・))⊃)

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