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Daeji pov

"Daeji!" The door released lots of people making the room looked like It's crowded. It's my friends. Dongpyo, Sunoo , Yuna and Taki ran towards me and hugged me While the others were just standing there.

"Hey- I can't breathe-" The four of them quickly pulled back themselves-

"Before you guys would ask if I'm okay, I'm fine guys . My condition isn't that serious." I smiled at them to reassure them.

"How did you get sick like this anyway?" Sunoo asked and the four of them sat at the side of the bed in unison.

"Maybe I ate something bad at the birthday party" I said making the three (Sunoo, Dongpyo, Yuna) gasp and looked at eachother.

"That bitch!" the three said in unison again.

"Yah! The three of you saying and doing everything in unison is making my head hurt!" Jay shouted from the other corner of the room.

"Sorry-" The three looked at eachother and laughed. While Jay only sighed tired of them.

"Anyway! back to the topic! tell us everything that happened!" Dongpyo said.

I told them everything.

"She must've put something on that plate! She was the one who gave it to you directly" Sunoo said most of them were agreeing.

"But maybe it's only a coincidence?I mean she handed it out to some other people" I said still not convinced that Kia would do such a thing.

"Right I saw someone with her, I think she's from another school! They looked like they were so close to each other." Yuna said.

"Maybe she's a bitch like her" Sunoo said.

Is it that Lia girl they're talking about?Did that Lia met Jake again?

"Daeji" Jungwon held my hand. And whispered "Are you okay?" I only nodded.

I took a glance at Jake he's silent.

"Well how about we get ice cream to lighten up the mood!" Sunghoon said. Everyone was excited.

"Oop she's not allowed to eat ice cream" Jungwon said. I gave him a 'why did you say that' look. He only laughed at me.

"Hey I'm in charge of taking care of you so you should listen to me"

"Well that's too bad! It's my treat! But Daeji's not included" Sunghoon said and went outside along the others to the near Ice cream shop, and leaving us Heeseung, Ni-ki , Jungwon, Taki and me in the room.

"Eat this Noona! You'll be better if you eat this!" Taki said while Ni-ki hands me the basket of fruits. I side-eyed ni-ki

"Oh don't look at me like that. I'm not taking care of you while you're going to throw up everything" Ni-ki said and rolled his eyes.

"Tch, Oh I'm telling mom to let the both of you stay here the whole night" I smirked at him.

"Daeji, you should take care of yourself hm? I wanna see you running around the school again" Heeseung then ruffled my hair.

"I'm not a kid running around the school!" I answered.

"How did you guys got here anyway? like the bus is most likely to be full to make you guys fit there" I asked while Jungwon is feeding me tangerines.

"Jay brought us all with his big ass van" Ni-ki said while also focusing on peeling his tangerines.

I nodded but-"Big ass? Are you seriously saying those words now?" I said raising my eyebrow.

Taki then covered his mouth before he answers"Sorry about that noona! I'll scold him" Taki said with a big smile.

"You know I think I know who's the girl Kia is talking with. That girl from another school that your talking about earlier"

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