Part 4

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You took your seat and waited for a couple of minutes but there still wasn't any sign of him; so you took out your phone and dialed Namjoon's number.
The ring went on for a few seconds and then the lady on the phone said that he was unavailable.

Why aren't you picking up my calls, Namjoon?

You made a few short prayers in your mind, hoping that out of nowhere, you'll see a 181cm guy dashing into the class, but instead your heart broke at the sight of the old professor entering the classroom.
"Let's start, students," he announced.
No! Namjoon's still not here! Don't start the lecture!

Your head was hung low; you didn't even want to know what the professor was teaching. You were going to daydream but just before you could do so, the professor's words came to a halt at the onset of a person entering the classroom, which caused you to prick up your ears.

"Why are you late, young man?" the professor's words spread a wave of happiness over you.
You raised your head to look at what was happening, only to be disappointed.

"It's just my third day here sir, so it took a while to find my class," Jung Hoseok partially lied.
"Ah so you're the one who has come between the term!" the annoyed professor said.
"Fine, I'll excuse you. But just for today. It's your third day and you still can't find your class?" the professor scolded him to which the new-comer apologised and was finally allowed entry into the class.
"Sit wherever you find a place; it's an ongoing class and you're interrupting," the professor flatly said and turned back to the board.

The new-comer, Jung Hoseok, who also happened to be the new transfer student, had every girl of the school drooling over him on his first day itself. That list of girls definitely didn't include you, because to begin with, you had Namjoon and to end it with, he reminded you of someone. Someone who once was very dear to you.

Jung Hosung, you mentally mouthed his name and painful memories emerged to the surface which you had buried deep down in your heart

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Jung Hosung, you mentally mouthed his name and painful memories emerged to the surface which you had buried deep down in your heart.

Jung Hosung was the twin brother of Jung Hoseok and of course, being his brother, he was exceptionally charming and just like Hoseok, he became the heartthrob of the school just in a day.
The only difference between the twins was that Hosung was a slightly outgoing person which was the reason he approached you and you both became friends, whereas Hoseok was cold and always stayed alone; not because he wanted to, but because everyone who was friends with him either fell for him or envied him. And how did you even know so much about Hoseok? Because Hosung was your ex-best friend and it was obvious that you were close enough to know that he had a twin, Hoseok.

Looking at Hoseok, you were reminded of that terrible day when you misunderstood Hosung's friendship for love and put it in front of him to confirm if it was true. Hosung was infuriated or maybe disheartened because of it and cleared it right away that it was pure friendship that he had with you. That's all you remembered, because after that he left from your life forever; closed his chapter in your book, never to open.
"I don't want to create any more misunderstandings in your mind, y/n. It's better if I leave," were the exact words he said to you before he disappeared from your life.
Anyways, I don't care about it now. If he cared so much about our friendship he wouldn't have left, were your thoughts since the beginning and you had moved on with your life.

You were forced to snap out of your daze when without your consent, Hoseok sat beside you, on the seat you had reserved for Namjoon.
"Why are you sitting here?" you whispered since the professor had resumed the lecture.
"There's no empty seat," he whispered back monotonously.
"Look there, the last bench. There's an empty seat!" you said.
"It's too far, the old man will be annoyed if I leave my seat now!" he protested.
"So what do I do? This is Namjoon's seat. You cannot sit here!" you protested.
"Don't act like a child! He's not even here," he said.
"What if he comes sometime later? Where will he sit then?" you hissed.
"The professor won't let him in the classroom itself, so he won't be able to attend the lecture today," he said.
"Aggh! Just go away and sit somewhere else, will you?" you realised you said it a bit loudly, or at the least, loud enough for the professor to hear.

"Is something wrong, miss y/n?" the professor asked and everyone turned their heads around to leer at you.
"N-no, sir," you stood up immediately and said, and the professor once again resumed with his lecture, disgust marking his face. You hid your face in your sweaty hands as you looked down - all embarrassed.

"This is all because of you!" you said to Hoseok.
"Do you want to be scolded by the teacher again?" he said, making you shut up.
Thank God! Namjoon wasn't present today, or else it would have been a total embarrassment.


When the lecture was about to end the professor spoke, "Students, there will be a project coming next month that contains marks. For that you need to pair up in two and do the needful. Please pair up in two and submit your names to the class monitor. As for the newbie, uh, you can pair up with y/n. Is that okay?"
"Yes sir," Hoseok replied instantly.
What!!?? Whyy?
"Sir, I want to be paired with-"
"Come on y/n, you're not a small child. Learn to participate with everyone," he said and resumed talking with the class.
"So class you should be ready with your project by next month. I'll take your leave now. Work hard and have a nice day!" the professor walked out of the room.
Noo!! I'M supposed to be paired with Namjoon! Not this jerk!
But luck wasn't on your side and you had to be paired with Hoseok since Namjoon didn't come to university the entire day.

As soon as the last professor had left, you turned around to your partner, Hoseok, who had already put his backpack on his shoulder and was about to leave.
"Hey wait!" you tugged at his backpack, which was not zipped properly, causing all the books to fall on the floor.
"What the hell?" he yelled at you and bent down to collect his stuff. You too bent down to help him collect his stuff since you were the one to create the mess.
Strange guy carrying strange stuff in his bags. Papers, books, stationary...what the...!! Velvet envelopes?
No way! They're the same velvety envelopes!!?

!! Velvet envelopes? No way! They're the same velvety envelopes!!?

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End of part 4

What do you think of Hoseok?? 🤔

Thank you for reading ☺️

Stay tuned for the next part!!

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