Part 38

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"Who's boo boo bear?" he asked your brothers.

"Why don't you receive the call and find out?" Jimin laughed along with Seokjin.
"Okay then," he eyed your tittering brothers. He got up from his chair and paced back and forth, readying himself. Clearing his throat, your father finally picked up the call.

"Hello?" he asked, deepening his voice to give an impactful 'hello'.
"Who's this?" he asked.
"Uh, didn't she save my number?"
"May I know who I am speaking to?" your dad asked.
"Uncle it's me, Namjoon."

You fixed your hair in the restroom and made your way to the living room when you saw your dad talking on your phone.
"Namjoon! You're Y/n's boyfriend?" he made himself sound furious, but on the other side of the phone he was dying to laugh out loud.

He is talking to Namjoon????

"Dad! What are you doing!" you dashed to your dad as you saw him speak something more.
As he saw you panic he put a finger to his lips as he silently giggled, asking you to keep quiet.
"Dad! Give me back my phone!" you tried to snatch it but he raised the phone high above his head. You tried to jump and reach for the phone, whereas your dad continued his silent chuckles.
"Come inside Namjoon, we need to talk about this," he said in an extremely serious tone, which made you wonder if he wasn't going to approve of your relationship.
"Dad!" you hissed at him as he hung up the call.
"Let me have some fun, will you?" he laughed with your brothers.

"What the heck is a boo boo bear!" Jimin laughed hysterically.
"Anything would've been fine, but boo boo bear? Really?" laughed Seokjin.

Ughh, these guys, I'm going to roast them alive one day.

And just then, Namjoon entered the villa, his eyes showing what he felt; a goat that was going to be butchered.
"May I come in?" he asked meekly.
"Yes, we need to talk," your father crossed his arms over his chest and stood grim.

Namjoon fearlessly walked up to your father and waited for his death as he met his eyes with your father's, waiting for what was to come next.
Your dad bore his dangerous gaze into Namjoon's and they stood absolutely still for a whole minute. Even your brothers. There was a pin drop silence before your father could hold it in no more and burst out laughing, followed by your brothers. Namjoon looked at you for an explanation and you just shrugged your shoulders as a reply.

"Ah, I'm really sorry Namjoon-ah! Don't be so grim! I was kidding. I'm totally okay with you guys dating," he patted his back and gave him a quick side hug.
"You really scared me uncle," he rubbed his nape, as a huge burden was lifted off his shoulders.
"Oh come on, don't be! There's no need to be, my lovely daughter's lovely boyfriend," he winked at Namjoon, which immediately earned him a glare from you.
Namjoon gave him an awkward smile in return, which made him laugh again.
"Come, have breakfast with us," your dad took back his place at the table.
"No thanks, I had my breakfast already," Namjoon refused politely.

"AND we're late for class so we must hurry," you smiled, which looked more like a glare at the three men of your house and grabbed Namjoon by his sleeve and dragged him out of the villa.
"But your breakfast!" said Seokjin.
"Have your breakfast with your boo boo bear, daughter!" your dad teased you as you got out of there.

Sheesh! Why does he have to say that in front of Namjoon!

You hurriedly sat into his car, abashed. He followed you in, trying to control himself from laughing.
"I'm sorry that was really weird," you looked outside the window, not wanting to face him after what happened.
"But you can look here Y/n," he chuckled.
"Ugh I can't face you Namjoon. After what happened back there," you cringed with the flashbacks of it.
"Hey, it's alright. They were having fun! And by the way, why am I a boo boo bear?" he began giggling now.
"Because you're tall and huge like a bear, but you're also cute. So the name, boo boo bear," you said, still not meeting his eyes.

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