Part 39

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"Are you my admirer?"
He stared at you for a while before answering.
"Yes it's me."

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! I was right! You're my secret admirer!" you pulled him anto a squeeze.
"S-secret what? Y/n, I.. I think we're on different pages."
You let him out of your squeeze.

"But you just said you're my admirer!"
"Yeah I am. I do admire you as person and-"
"Ughh!! No, that's not what I meant. To tell you the truth, someone's stalking me through anonymous love letters."

Namjoon took his time in scanning your face and processing everything.
"Then why didn't you report it to the police?"
"Because I thought you were my admirer!"
"Wait, what!? You thought of me as a guy who stalks girls?" his eyes shrunk slightly in disappointment.

"Noo, no! You're not the guy who'd do that; I know. But things were so suspicious that it made me think you are writing me those letters. Like,'The Wallflowers' thing and you were like-'There's something special in it.' And lo! When I opened it, there's a love letter! So of course the prime suspect had to be you!"
"Wallflowers? Wait a minute, I've heard about this somewhere... ohhh!! The book! Yes, that book.! Which your brothers asked me to recommend to you!"

The word 'brothers' felt like a massive avalanche falling over you.

So all this time, my brothers are my admirers? Right, I've been searching everywhere for the admirer except my own house! Now that I've found the missing piece, the puzzle all fits into place...

The time when Yoongi and I decided to bunk class and stay in the library, Seokjin oppa tried to stop us! Because he KNEW! Even in the afternoon, it was HE who caught us. It wasn't a coincidence! He had come there to keep the letter! And since we were sleeping, we wouldn't have ever known!!!

And in the very first letter, the dimple is understood, but the mole behind my right ear? That's something only my oppas can know!!

And lastly the key element of confusion: Taehyung. The tall guy who wants me to be his girlfriend. Oh shit, that was all a trap! Oppas knew I would ask Taehyung. So they threatened, or no! Maybe even bribed Taehyung to say something else! Taehyung must've fallen for it and decided to not spill anything and do exactly what my brothers told him to. God, it was so easy, I've just been ignorant!

[Flashback: Part 1- The dinner]

[Namjoon's POV]

Y/n and I were in the garden having a conversation when my mom had to interrupt and I had to leave poor Y/n alone in the garden.

"Yes mom? You asked for me?" I asked the moment I was within earshot.
"Son, could you please go and help Y/n's brothers? They're in the basement."
"What? Why?" I asked, confused as to why they needed my help when they had maids to help them.
"Yeah. Now! Enough time talking. It isn't very polite to just sit and enjoy Namjoon; go to the store room and help the boys bring the table," she said.

Who are these new boys?

"Boys? Who's extra?"
"Oh no son, it's just Y/n's brothers and the secretary; what's his name? Ah yes! Jungkook."
"Okay, I got that, but Y/n-"
"She can wait for a few minutes, son. Go, go! The sooner you go the less she has to wait," she said and gave me a slight nudge. Now I had no option but to go and help them so I trotted towards the store room without thinking much.

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