Part 32

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[Jungkook's POV]
Gosh, where in the world did this girl go? That too with that idiot librarian! Who tried to kiss her!

I was in my car, wasting my fuel in search of Y/n in her neighborhood.

Why am I even doing this? Anyways she'll eventually come home. All I have to do is tell her brothers that she went with that librarian. Then she'll get a good scolding and also her lesson.

I was driving through the streets, looking here and there for her. As if she'd really be here. She's definitely somewhere far.
I should just go back to work and stop being like this.

Without realizing it, I had reached into the next neighborhood.
Damn it, more fuel wastage.
I pulled on the brakes and parked my car at the side of the road for a while.
I closed my eyes, sighed and rested my head on the headrest of my seat.
Just then, I heard a loud crash.

I opened my eyes, putting my head outside the window. And at a distance, I saw a tiny scooter under a mini truck and two dots lying around.

Huh, people these days are just unbelievable. Should've followed the rules.

I further saw four to five dots, probably people getting off from the mini truck and dashing towards the lying figures. I kept observing and to my horror, they just ran away, leaving the injured people alone.

What kind of jerks are these people!!
This neighborhood is quite lonely and despite that they left them?
I must go and help them.

And I started driving. As the site of the accident neared, my heart thumped like anything. Because the scooter that was under the mini truck was none other than Taehyung's.
No, no, nooooo!!
I jammed on the brakes. I got out of the car and dashed to what I saw at a distance away from the scooter.

This can't be!!! It's them!!!!

I went to Taehyung, who was closer to the scooter and unconscious. I tried to wake him up, but in vain. My eyes fell on Y/n, who was lying away from Taehyung, motionless in a pool of her own blood.

My body began trembling seeing her like that. My eyes began to water.
Is... is s-she.. d-dead??

That too when I was supposed to keep an eye on her? So, d-did I just become the reason for a person's d-death??

Oh no, I killed her. I killed her, guilt overflowed within me and I began to cry. I didn't understand what to do.

No, I mustn't assume. I must check first.

I sprinted towards her lifeless looking body and put my fingers close to her nose and heaved a sigh of relief as well as tears of happiness.

Thank God she's breathing. But she's bleeding. A lot. I must hurry.
Yes, a hospital. She's in dire need of one. But how do I get the two of them together? Ambulance? No, it's a risk. Maybe she'll bleed a lot more until then.

My teary eyes darted to the mini truck.
Not a single one stayed to help them? It's a shame.

No time for that now.
I gently picked up Y/n in my trembling arms; her blood dripped on the ground as I carried her to the car. I made her lie on the back seat and Taehyung on the seat beside me.

I glanced at the back seat, where Y/n was staining my seat covers with her blood. You'll be fine Y/n. I promise. I'll make sure you are.
"Okay Jungkook, to the hospital!" I sniffed and looked ahead.


"Her condition is no more critical. She's out of danger."
"That's a relief. Thank you doctor," I bowed gratefully.
"And what about the other patient?"
"He hasn't suffered much blood loss or an injury like hers. Thanks to his helmet, or we would've lost him," the doctor said and walked away.

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