Part 37

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"Fine. Here's the truth: I need your help URGENTLY. It's about Yoonji."

"Yoonji? What about her?"
He just blushed, blushed and blushed.
"Yah, is everything okay?"
"Yes," he fanned himself with his free hand.
"Are you even going to tell me what's going on?"
"Yes I am! Can't you wait!" he whined.
"Oppa, if you're taking me to treat you, let me tell you I'm as broke as a rat right now."
"What are you talking about!"
"Yeah, I know all of your tricks, you stingy person! You'll blackmail me for treating you to something nice!"
"I promise I'm not asking you to treat me, okayyy?" he groaned.
"Give me my answer then."

You waited for an answer with a bored expression while he started blushing and continued it all the way till the library came into view.
He's gone nuts.

You both got out of the car and he headed into the library, leaving you behind. What's wrong with him?

A moment later he came out.
"Aren't you coming in?" Jimin asked.
"First tell me what the matter is."
"Should I?" he blushed again.
"I'm off," you began walking away towards home.
"Listen Y/n!" he exclaimed, stopping you.
"I'm gonna confess to her," he looked at his feet.

"Ooooh! How romantic! So what do you want me to help with? Writing an emotional paragraph? A poem?"
He kept shaking his head at every suggestion.
"I've planned something for her. In the library. And... you're the guinea pig."
"Woahh! I gladly accept your offer! Show it to me."

You both headed inside the library. The arrangement of the shelves was changed. They were arranged like a maze. That's impressive!

The next thing to catch your eyes was the floor. There was a long row of big, fat novels lined up one after the other. It's a domino!!
"Can I break it?" you asked him excitedly.
"Yes of course," he said with a nod.

You took a step to the very first book in the line. 'The Wallflowers?' Why is this book at the front?
"How did you arrange these books?"
"Arrange? What do you mean?"
"This book. It's a romance novel."
"Oh is it? Woah! I didn't know that! Thanks for telling me. I'll keep it at the front, you know. So she gets impressed," he winked.

Okay, so it's a coincidence.

"Are you going to try it or not?" he asked.
"Ah yes. I'm trying," you snapped out of your daze and focused on the task at hand.
"Now I'll see you on the other side of the domino, alright?" he told you.
"Alright," you said to yourself, after which he walked away behind one of the shelves, probably going where the domino was going to end.

Let's see what he has planned for her.

You gently pushed the Wallflowers book and it fell on the next novel, which fell on another novel and the chain continued.

Time for the big reveal!

You jogged behind the trail of falling books. And not just that, unknowingly, you were passing into a descending shade of lights. You were so busy keeping track of where the domino led that you failed to notice that the lights were being dimmed. After a few seconds you finally reached the end of the domino, when you realized that the lights were extremely dim.
This is weird. What is going..
Suddenly, all the lights blacked out.

"Oppa! Where are you?" was what immediately left your mouth.
"Oppa, are you okay?"
"Yah Jimin! Answer me!" your voice echoed across the library.
No response.
"Jimin, I'm leaving," you headed for the exit. You started going off the way you came, until you bumped into a shelf.

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