Part 16

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You were going to end the prank and wake up in front of him when out of the blue he slid his hands below your knees and scooped you up in bridal style.
Ohhh myyy goshhh!!!

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be doing this," Namjoon sighed and left your drawing room in which you always worked on your project; with you in his arms.
A sorry? Aww that's so sweet of him.

On the way, without making it suspicious, you gently rested your head against his buffy chest, where you could hear his heart racing rapidly.
I wish I could stay like this forever.
Later when your heart had calmed down, you took notice of the minute things happening around you. You felt his touch, which made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy, making it difficult for you to keep a straight face. His warm breath brushed gently over your nose bridge and his balanced coffee cologne filled up your nostrils, making you mellow. So mellow that it took you a while to realise that Namjoon wasn't moving ahead.

Oh my gosh! Am I that heavy?

And it was the scent of the lavender oil wafting from your dad's study room that made you realise why he had stopped and a wave of fright rushed over you.
He is standing right before the stairway!!

The stairs weren't much of a problem because you trusted Namjoon. But not his clumsiness.
Oh Almighty, I come to you today, you chanted your prayers just in case Namjoon would make his mind on ascending the stairs. And he did what you feared.
He took a step forward and there came the trouble. He stumbled at his first step itself, making you chant your prayers with an even rapid pace.
He pulled himself onto a step and started again. But this time, he didn't stumble because, considering the genius he was, he had figured out a situation like this.

Since he knew he was clumsy, before climbing up one stair step he stopped for a solid minute, perhaps calculating the force and speed that needed to be put together simultaneously. This continued for a while and with the help of his perseverance, he had finally achieved his target of climbing up till the middle of the stairway.
Good job Namjoon!
"Good job Namjoon," he praised himself because even he knew that he'd drop you if not for his wits.

"Sir! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" you heard Jungkook's voice coming at the end of the stairway where Namjoon was to reach yet.

Why is he here now? Just go away!

Namjoon looked up at him and that was when Jungkook quickly descended the stairs to where the two of you were.
"She fell asleep, so I-" before he could complete, Jungkook snatched you out from Namjoon's arms into his own.
"I'm very sorry to say this sir, but are you out of your mind? Do you even have the slightest idea of what you're doing? Mr. Kim would roast you alive if he saw her in your arms!"
"B-but we're friends."
"That's the exact reason why you shouldn't be doing so! You're a good friend of hers and if anyone sees you doing such things, what would they think of you?" Jungkook said, his arms wrapped around as he firmly held you in mid air. Hand me back to Namjoon!
"You're right," Namjoon said, after thinking for a moment.
"Take her to her room then. She must rest," Namjoon said and thanked him, for he had saved your friendship from breakup.
"Yes, sir," Jungkook bowed shortly and left along with you.

Jungkook ascended the stairs way faster and confidently than Namjoon. He took half of the time that Namjoon had taken. By the time he reached the corridor, his breath was fanning heavily on your face. 'Come on, am I that heavy?' you groaned mentally.

He was going to proceed further but he was stopped by a palm in front of his face.
"What do you think you're doing, you punk?" Seokjin pulled you from Jungkook's arms into his imaginary phoenix wings, which gave you the feeling of immediate protection.
"Namjoon was-"
"I know. But that doesn't give you the right to touch my sister. I can clearly see your intentions, you hoe," Seokjin said through gritted teeth.
"Don't open your filthy mouth if you don't know the truth! I've no such intentions. I was just trying to help!" Jungkook raised his voice.
"I can get you fired, you know?" Seokjin threatened him.
"That's what you can do? Use your power like this when you know you're wrong?" Jungkook spat with disgust.
"You really have a big mouth, huh?"
"Go on, do what you want. When your sister really lands in trouble again, you'll remember my words," Jungkook said and they both exchanged glares before finally walking away.

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