Part 19

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Namjoon was going to say something when a peal of thunder occurred, the loudest you had ever heard, causing you to flinch.

You snuggled into Namjoon's hoodie and embraced him tight, making him chuckle at your cuteness.
"Are you scared?" he asked.
"A little," you were abashed for what Namjoon would think of you; acting like a small kid.
"I'll get you home quickly, okay?" his dark dragon orbs radiated nothing but warmness.
"It is nightfall and I don't see any taxis here, so I guess we'll have to take the bus," he said.

Thankfully, the bus stop wasn't very far. You and Namjoon walked the small distance under the umbrella, stealing glances from each other in between.
You were now sitting at the bus stop, patiently waiting for the bus which would take you home. It was dark and snowy; you knew you were going to get a good scolding when you reached home for being half an hour late. But it'd be worth spending such a lovely time with Namjoon.
Today is the best day of my life.

You yawned while waiting for the bus which seemed to take forever to arrive.
"The bus will be here soon," Namjoon said, seeing you yawn.
"Question is, when? It seems as if we've been waiting forever!"
"Trust me, it'll be here. Oh there it comes! Take a look," he looked in the direction of the bus and you got up from your seat, happy to be somewhere warm finally.

The bus came to a halt and you saw that it was almost full. Of course, being the daughter and son of one of the most successful CEOs, you both had almost NEVER traveled in a bus, let alone a crowded one.
Damn, not just warm, it's going to boil in there.
You looked at Namjoon who just gave a slow nod, knowing that you had to take this bus if you both wanted to be home at the earliest.
"We don't have a phone to contact anybody, since mine is dead," he said.
"Let's go then, before it leaves," you pulled Namjoon by the sleeve of his hoodie and somehow boarded the bus, pushing through the crowd.

I was right, it really is boiling in here! you spoke to yourself, when you boarded the bus, in between the crammed people.
Namjoon, the only one amongst you both, paid for the tickets. But just paying wasn't enough. You had to stand in the bus for a few stations and it was then that you finally got an empty seat for yourselves after some of the passengers had boarded off. Finally, a seat.
Namjoon let you go in first, towards the window seat, while he sat next to you, giving up the window one.
What a gentleman!

You were busy staring outside the window, looking at the snow accumulating on the window pane when some light snoring noises pricked up your ears. You looked to your side and saw Namjoon, his eyes closed and head swaying from side to side as the bus drove past the streets. His lips were slightly parted through which the snores escaped and you found it amusing how a person like yourself, who had almost never traveled in such a crowded and cramped vehicle had even managed to fall asleep. That too, not just a sleep. He had fallen into a deep slumber.
He's so exhausted.

Chuckling at his cuteness, you gently placed his head on your shoulder, so that it won't sway anymore.
"Sleep well, my boo boo bear!" you whispered.
"Hmm," he hummed in his sleep, as if agreeing to what you said.
"So cute," you caressed his cheek, being careful to not wake him up. You too placed your head against his resting one and continued watching outside the window, keeping track of where you were going.

Soon, it had stopped snowing and you could see that the bus had reached your neighborhood, making you realize that the bus stand was near, meaning, your fairytale was going to be over now. You felt your heart become heavy at the mere thought of having to be separated from Namjoon.
"Namjoon, we're here. Wake up!" you shook him gently, but not so gently that he wouldn't wake up.
"Hmm?" he asked, sleepily.
"We're here," you repeated.

Raising his head from your shoulder, he stretched his arm and legs, a tint of pink was visible on his cheeks, blushing, now that he had found out where he had got the most peaceful sleep of his life.
The driver jammed in the brakes when the bus had reached the bus stop near your place and you two wasted no time in getting down.
"Let's go," Namjoon walked towards your home.
"Namjoon, your home is that way."
"I'll walk you home first. It's dark now," Namjoon said and you didn't argue further. You were already half an hour late.

You reached your villa within a minute or two and it was breaking your heart to let him go, but you knew you had had enough of him today than any girl had ever had.
You were going to turn your back towards Namjoon and start walking, but you decided to say goodbye properly.

"Time to go Namjoon," you looked back and smiled at him.
"Byee!" he chimed sweetly.
His hands were stuffed in his jacket while he smiled at you, looking extremely captivating.

Your heart took over you as you didn't think twice before placing your hands on his shoulders to support yourself and stood up on the tip of your big toe like a ballerina to reach his towering body and kissed his shaven, smooth cheek lovingly

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Your heart took over you as you didn't think twice before placing your hands on his shoulders to support yourself and stood up on the tip of your big toe like a ballerina to reach his towering body and kissed his shaven, smooth cheek lovingly.
"Thanks for today," anxiety took over you as you waited for his reaction.
His cheeks turned pink as he replied, "You don't need to thank me for that," he walked backwards, smiling at you. No, maybe blushing; his cheeks were flushed to a deep red as were yours.

You walked inside after his figure had faded away from your eyesight, smiling to yourself.
Ah, what a day it was!

"Oh! There you are!" Jungkook came running to you, all soaked by the snow.
"WHERE WERE YOU? I searched everywhere for you! I almost even picked up a fight with the librarian thinking he did something to you. Are you okay?" he said everything in one breath.
"I'm okay," you smiled at him, recollecting how okay you were in these few hours.
"You should hurry inside, Mr. Kim's a bundle of nerves," he said, imbibing fear into your previously happy soul.

You hesitated to go inside since you knew you were going to be scolded pretty badly.
I'll tell them. Just half an hour late. That much should be okay.
You peeked through the garden into the living room where your parents and brothers were seated.

"Hey everyone," you nervously mumbled, entering the living room through the main entrance.
"Where were you all this time,
y/n!?" your father asked, anger evident in his voice.
"I-I was with Namjoon," you mumbled.
"I asked where. Not with whom. I know you were with Namjoon."
"We went to the Han River for a change and then it started snowing and-"
"But you went in the evening! You were supposed to be back in an hour or two! Do you realize what time it is right now?" your dad asked, trying hard to keep his calm. You glanced at the wall clock which read 10pm.

10 pm?????? When did it get so late?
It felt just like half an hour!!!

"You didn't even take your phone or tell the maids where you were going. Do you know how worried we were?" he raised his voice.
"Does family mean nothing to you y/n? Don't you care about your mom and dad at least?" you hung your head low as tears formed in your eyes.
"This is all because I've pampered you so much. How foolish of me!" he yelled.

A tear rolled down your cheek as your father thought of himself like that and how he thought it was his pampering that had spoiled you.
"You need to be taught a lesson y/n. A good one. One which you'll never forget. Today onwards, you're grounded for a whole month!" your father announced.

End of Part 19

Thank you for reading☺
Stay tuned for the next part!!

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