Part 5

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"Here!" you picked up the envelopes.
"Hoseok, why do you-"
"It''s none of your business!" he snapped, snatching the envelopes from your hand.
"Where are you going? We have to discuss the project," you asked.
"I'm not doing any project, got it?" he threatened you by coming closer to your body, making you back off.

"Stop irritating me y/n," he spoke in a tone which clearly showed how much he loathed you.
"You know my name?" you asked, puzzled.
"Of course I do. How could I forget your name after what you did to my brother?"

Does he know about it?

"You're thinking about how I know that? Hosung told me himself. He was so disappointed in you. You knew very well what was going in his life during those times and in what trauma he was. You also know that he didn't open up to anyone. Not even me; his own twin. You were special to him. He saw you as his best friend; someone he would look up to even when the whole world was against him. And what did you do? Just because some girls were jealous of the closeness you shared with him and embedded a seed of doubt in your mind, you challenged your friendship of three years? How could you be so dense to not see the girls were just trying to pull the both of you apart? You knew Hosung well enough to know that he didn't have feelings for you. All he sought was comfort and a shoulder to cry on. And you listened to those people and doubted his friendship. YOU took such a turn into your relationship that it's now irreparable. I know it's too late to mend things, but I just want you to know that he misses your company even today and he suffers. Because of you," he concluded.

"I just asked what I thought might be true. I didn't want to create a situation where after some time he'd be saying that he likes me and when I would refuse, he would say that I was the one to give him hopes. I don't think I did anything wrong Hoseok. It is he who thought of it wrongly," you flatly replied, to which Hoseok fell silent, realizing you had a point.

You started walking away from him without a word, only to be interrupted when he held your wrist, causing you to stop dead in your tracks; your eyes going wide in surprise.
"I-I'm s-sorry y/n, for being selfish to think only about my brother."

What? A sorry? Isn't that too quick for a change of heart?

He continued, "I never gave it thought of how tough it must've been for you or what might've been your thoughts about him. But now that I see your side of the story, I think I understand."
"I-it's o-okay," you quivered slightly at his touch as your heart thumped wildly in your chest.

You both stood still for a moment, neither of you moving an inch nor speaking a word. Finally, it was you who decided to get yourself together and break the ice as well as his trance.

With a deep breath and a slight diffidence in your voice you told him, "W-will you l-let go of my hand now?" to which he immediately dropped it out of his clasp.
"I'm a-again sorry," he said, to which you responded with a modest nod.

It's getting awkward with every passing second!!

You were going to sprint away when your eyes fell onto the board, reminding you of the assignment.
"Listen, the important thing now is, I need those extra marks and so you have to participate in the assignment," you told him, which strangely felt dominating.
"Just because I apologised does not mean you can boss me over and tell me what to do!" he went back to his old self.
What the heck!! He just switched roles as if it was nothing. You're one colour changing lizard!!

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