i know.

16 0 0

A/N: bweh...

written October 27th, 2021 at 7:45 a.m.


i know you love me.
i know that you love me.
i'm sorry.
the black hole eats away at the words,
swallowing each one before it's able to process

you wouldn't use me like that.
i know you wouldn't use me like that.
you've proven that you're not here
to seek your own pleasure
and nothing more.

i've got scars along this back
where his actions carved themselves
into my plush flesh.

i don't know
what happened
to reopen the wounds.
i apologize for staining your bed
with the wrong fluids.
i'll pound the stains out,
and clear every last drop
so you're once again left
with white, cotton sheets.

in the past,
i constantly found myself
in the presence of liars.

i've been told all of this before,
with his goal of coaxing me into bed.
i'd fake it every night
just to hear his voice,
even when it wasn't the kindest to me.

so happy birthday to him i guess.
i hope he feels good,
knowing that his actions
nestled their way into my soul.

and to you, honey?
i love you.
beyond the value of words.
please care for me like no one else has.

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