take the reigns

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A/N: i did a group project. this was me venting my frustrations about how controlling some people were while others were kinda left behind. wow, i like being inclusive.

written sometime in November 2020


there's no lighter way to put it.

go on, keep returning
and petting the dog
that really does not want to be bothered.
i swear it'll bite you back.

you won't get your way,
not with the surge of confidence
and firmness in my reserved manner
that i have gained.

there's no lighter way to put it.

go on, take the reigns.
i'll sit back, resenting every second
of this supposed joyride,
knowing that you two are somewhat
tugging me and the others along.

there's bound to be unrest at some point.
the others have literally no clue
of the carriage's intended destination.

they are kept in the dark.
you sit in the light.
i reside in between.

happy to have a location,
but feeling sympathetic
for those left unknowing.

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