he's the king

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A/N: so i have this one friend who i am absolutely in love with, so i wrote this for them. ❤️

written October 18th, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.


the king.
that's what you are.

unlike any of the corrupt rulers
this world has know prior,
here is a king who gets to know
the inner turmoils of his people.

his blonde hair glistens
as he makes his way through the villages.
those blue diamond eyes
know nothing but the truth,
and see nothing but potential in others.

he purchases new instruments
for a school's suffering musical program.
he rescues a fluffy cat named jack
out of the town's giant oak tree.
he solved as many issues as he can,
without expecting payment in return.

he never does.
he's got everything:
smiling, joyful citizens.

but he can't help but retire
towards the end of each day,
slipping off his crown
in exchange for a 10-gallon hat.

he disguises himself completely,
and takes the hand of a pretty maiden,
who resides in the village.

"i hate i must hide my love for you,
but know this love will always be true.
know that i'd fend of hoardes of mobs
to keep you safe, love, that is my job."

she wraps her tanned arms around
the king's mighty torso,
before he sets the horse into motion.

the horse takes off, racing the winds,
the force sending the maiden's
thick, chocolate hair harshly billowing.

they continue on
as dusk falls upon the world,
stealing every moment
the fresh moonlight had to offer them.

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